It's titty thursday! Post the softest and best vidya tits right now

It's titty thursday! Post the softest and best vidya tits right now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I liked Project X Zone even tho every battle takes an hour

I love me some fat tits, but are they getting too big and too common? I remember Kaguya being treated as an absolute cow, but she looks pretty average nowadays.

this isnt videogames

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This is literally a video game sprite

Good taste!

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I still got to play the other ones. I remember being surprised it had continued. Crossovers were godly.

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Lets post the best plant

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damn, I'd forgotten what nice honkers Kaguya had.

She is from Super Robot wars, right? Have any more of her?

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going to ask this so I don't waste my time looking
does she have any good hentai?

Don't forget to wear your masks properly to stop COVID-19!

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>I remember Kaguya being treated as an absolute cow, but she looks pretty average nowadays
That's progress for ya

Yes she is! She's great.

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Big titty girl here. AMA

Kill yourselves, coomers

It's THICC THURSDAY ypu mongoloid

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>he's a titfag
Imagine never maturing past your prenatal state. Breasts only function is to feed young they have no purpose in regards to intercourse.

do girls like it when you suck their nipples

does your back actually hurt?

Didn't you just make this thread 2 days ago?
Anyway just have some in-game tits of my wife

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Can you place them on my head?

Don't care.

Attached: kaguya.gif (256x192, 214.76K)

Not really unless I bend over to pick something and getting up
depends on the tongue action. Some like it sucked, some like it licked. It's based on preference

Why would you just lie like that in the Internet?

lol, what a gay

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Not really? girls exist on the internet you know. We're not mythical creatures but to incels it probably is

You first, prude

Is it wrong to fuck a dragon?

It's a vidya tits thread not lie about having tits you ugly tranny. GTFO

proofs it

How big are they?

Not videogames, fuck off to another board if you want to jerk off.

botes anyone ?

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gonna have to ask for proof so we know you aren't a dude or a landwhale, user. Pic with timestamp onegaisemasu

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>A woman? in MY thread? TRANNY!
No. Do you see me ask for proofs that you're a guy?
Around DD cup

Have another (You) I'm feeling generous today

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Even gays like tits though. That is what those of us in the imageboard industry call, faggots.

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If you prefer the breasts to the wide child bearing hips then you're the fag.

titty tuesday rolls off the tongue better. No pun intended

If you're fat, they don't really count as big titties.

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Gotta get your offspring STRONKE genes

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you know how this works tits or gtfo, landwhale

Not fat
go back to Zig Forums incel

Does Nintendo or Namco own the rights to her?

Hey everyone in this thread is a larper. I'm going to post this about four dozen times and it's going to make thread better ok?

Probably. Don't worry about it though.

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Nintendo and monolithsoft I think

There's a lot more Kanna offical artwork here if you're curious.

>the titty larper is also here
what the fuck?

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Larp larp larp tranny larp dilate larp

Not everyone just the dude pretending to be a woman.

Man hands typed these words until proven otherwise

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What's the rarest or most expensive game you own? Also, would you be opposed to your belly being rubbed and played with during sex?

Does that mean if her make a petition to get her in as DLC for Deluxe Edition that there's a chance we can see her in glorious HD 3D form?

Attention whores need their attention.

lets be fair user - Zig Forums being mostly men is a foregone conclusion so you really don't need me to prove shit.

You on the other hand made a bold claim with nothing but your word to back it up. Just post a pic showing off your supposed curves and make sure your face is out of frame/blurred.

Unless you have something to hide?

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Everybody thank me for improving the thread, I'm stopping all the larpers

Prove it you fat fuck

imagine the smelle

My thoughts exactly
But this has motivated me to contribute for a change so...

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Panzer Dragoon Sagas

Why not both?

Guys there's larpers in this thread sage sage sage

He's desperate for attention, and as usual there's no shortage of credulous idiots willing to provide it

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He got a few people to buy it in the last thread so what did you expect?

What shit art.

are you mad that women exists in the internet?
like I said, I don't ask proof of men so why should girls provide proof? this isn't the early 90s
I own a gameboy micro and earthbound but not in box. And I don't know I've ever experienced it so can't say much about belly-rubbing
Why do I need to prove anything?
>desperate for attention
>in a thread about men posting tits to get attention

That game was for the DS right? Was it even fun or is it just a coomer game

Does she have a nice ass too?

More like angewomommy.

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>hourglass>pear>inverted triangle>stick>>>>>>>apple(aka fat)

Everybody ignore the larpers and post tits. I'm not going to do it myself of course, why would I?
I mean I am but i showed up after the last thread 404'd. Now I'm just going to be an annoying cunt like everyone else is

Big brained post

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>Mammaries Mondays
>Titty Tues/Thur
>Funbag Friday
>Sweaterpuppies Saturdays
How many days for hooters are absolutely necessary?

All of them

>are you mad that women exists in the internet?

Nah I'm mad that there are dudes pretending to be woman for attention. And more mad that there are people who believe it.

It's really not that bad. Free bumps and you just need to hide one post if you can't manually ignore them. But do give the threads bumps.

Quit larping and pay attention to me.

>pretending to be a women actually derails coomer threads
finally a way to get rid of them

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Tits are wholesome because they are funny and can feed children

How do we get her in as DLC for Xenoblade Chronicles Definite Edition?