Make series with great story, great characters, great themes, great gameplay

>Make series with great story, great characters, great themes, great gameplay
>Ruin it all and lock like 90% of your potential audience by including the actual deity of the west's most popular religion and having him as the series' antagonist.


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Other urls found in this thread:

smt thread

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I don't play anime games because I'm not retarded

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The story is a work of fiction and uses western religion as a backdrop for characters and world building. It's not your god. Hell it's not even Yahweh. Just very similar, like it was used as a template.

>smt thread
>Its just going to have people bitching about religion because of the op
It's all so tiresome

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>!@# *record scratch*
Just don't be a chaosfag lmao

christians aren't muslims, most don't get buthurt about something offensive to their religion and the ones that do aren't the demographic for a game like this even if it wouldn't have god in it.

>Just don't be a chaosfag lmao
Always a chaosfag. Always.

They seem pretty chill about the whole thing

I don't pay attention to the story so I don't care

Im a good christian boy and I really didnt mind 4 or even 4A with its yellow floating heads.

YHVH isn't the series antagonist. He's barely in any of the games

>he think people here actually give a fuck about christianity outside of the retarded 40s boomer larping

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>believing in religion past the age of 10
I don't consider myself an atheist either but how do you live your life like that?
Also SMT4 sucked, there's better SMT games new and old

YHVH does not make an actual appearance in this game. Kaneko also already stated in an interview he's not evil.

>muh Zig Forums
didn't read

>that pic
Ya know, I'm usually a staunch defender of trans rights but...maybe Zig Forums was on to something with the whole mentally ill thing

Boo hoo.

Pretty dumb that people actually believe this

But the christians are the good guys in IV?

>Make series with great story, great characters, great themes, great gameplay
No smt games are this. It's baby's first edgy jrpg

>yhvh is the antagonist
No he‘s not you retard. Confirmed never having played any of the games.

it literally has one of the best gameplay systems in all RPGs

People need to stop mistaking lore, atmosphere and setting for plot. The actual storylines of SMT games arent that great except for DeSu

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I smell a chaosfag false flagging

Muslim here. It's just a game bro, it's not real. Also, you didn't make it so you aren't really blaspheming. It's the same loop hole you guys with the Jews to do usury.

where in his post did he mention anything about Zig Forums?

Fuck off and dilate you'll never be a woman you freak

>Literally the reason the world gets nuked in SMT1 and if you do Chaos then Lucifer hints at him being the true enemy
>Final boss of SMT2
>At least somewhat involved in SJ because of Demiurge
>Main reason everything went to shit in SMT4
>Final boss of SMT4A
Literally the only games where YHVH has no real presence is Nocturne and If.

You're going to have to be a little more specific. You talking Summoner or Survivor?

>been playing nocturne
>just got to the obelisk
>whole story so far is just people telling you to go to places where maybe something happens
>characters show up once and then next time you see them, they either are crazy or hate you

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False. I pick alignments based on the game because i‘m not a brainlet. Law in SJ is superior to the other routes, whereas Chaos in IV is better than the other routes.

The Bible announces that most people will be killed by God, most of these aren't even much different from what the Bible demands

>dude tournament arc but with gods
>the only connection is that their names are kind of similar
DeSu is just as bad

>he series' antagonist
t. someone who never actually tried the game

It's LITERALLY dumbed down wizardry, retard. Even the gimmicks only serve to hurt it, as there is really no telling what a demon can do until you fight it, whereas in wizardry I can be fairly certain anything with dragon in the name will use a breath attack. SMT is entry level normie trash. It's like dark souls.

>not liking the Bel tournament arc
>not appreciating the pun with Abel's name
>not liking those great Law and Chaos ending
t. pleb

The name 'YHVH' is only in 2 and 4A, otherwise they just say God or The Lord or something like that. SJ's example there is literally a NG+ exclusive superboss, so yes he's barely there

The tournament arc is the peak of japanese culture

>whole story so far is just people telling you to go to places where maybe something happens
You were looking for your teacher dummy
>characters show up once and then next time you see them, they either are crazy or hate you
That's how it is on this bitch of a vortex world

wizardry doesnt have turn press you fucking retard.

oh now I see, now it's interesting

>dumbed down wizardry
Wizardry is shallower than any JRPG, it's just grindier

CCG are the exception since they're smart enough to know not to let their religious bias affect the overall score of a game and separate it into its own scoring system.

>Christfag LARPers
>Tradcucks whining about anime, video games, and porn
>People unironically using "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" as arguments in threads
I really don't even recognize this site anymore. I wish gook moot would just kill it because I know I can't leave but it hurts to see it in this state.

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>being a cuckchristian
Stop being a fag. They also include shit from many other religions.

That sounds like a you problem.
Religion is stupid. Just play the games anyway.

Any news on SMT Vaporware?

They were turning KIDS into PILLS

>Pokemon but you gain / lose turns on strengths and weaknesses

>Filter all Christcucks.
What can be more based?

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