How's your processor Zig Forums?

How's your processor Zig Forums?

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She's doing alright


Attached: INTEL-CORE-I5-2500K-4X3-3GHZ-6M-LGA1155-GW-24-NOWY.jpg (512x478, 56.38K)

i have pentium gold

2700X, showing it's age since nigger developers are hellbent on not having proper multicore utilization.


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i7 3770

Still going stong


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based, a man of culture
inb4 kiddies without the $$$ for premium products start REEEing

8600K i5 at 3.6Ghz. I have no overclocking experience, how far can you reasonably/sensibly push these things? I don't really want to fuck around with extra cooling or anything. I'm starting to eye new GPUs to replace my 1070, don't feel any need to swap out the CPU though.

>unironically paying for "gamer" shit

I get at least 30 fps anywhere in the world in prepar3d, with some really intensive payware planes too. I haven't even tried overclocking it yet.

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i7 3770

Oh, you are jealous. All I have to do is show bitches my neon green gaming rig with it's iconic slick alien design and the next thing they know they're riding my neon red rocket

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5 years and still going strong

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>trying to justify his shit purchase
yikes bro

How many thousands of dollars did that shitbox cost you?

It's ok to be poor user

Red Dead Redemption 2 hates my 4 core 6700k, but other than that it's still holding up just fine for me to even consider a mobo+cpu upgrade.

>600$ intel 9990k CPU is only 10fps faster than my 250$ CPU at 1440p

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why would you ever LMAO

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Based. Have you taken it past 4ghz?

I'd rather not bother with it, I'm using a Gigabyte motherboard and I really don't trust it.

>tfw i5
yes... i know...

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Might be able to do 5GHz on a beefy air cooler if you're lucky, 4.8 should easily be attainable

[email protected]
werks despite being 4c/4t
will probably go 3600 so I can play some AAA stuff and have a less rough time with UMS transcoding

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>I'm using a Gigabyte motherboard
Stupid question, are they on the lower end of quality? I'm a complete newfag to PC's, only started using one for games last year. This is my motherboard:

I have a 650 watt power supply and a pretty decent CPU cooler, so it should handle at least a mild overclock if the motherboard can.

5820k chads how you doing?

Rate my gear Zig Forums

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Attached: specy.png (494x385, 14.96K)

Built a new rig recently. The power from the i9 9900 is noticeable.

Attached: speccy.png (606x506, 35.33K)

8 fucking years later and I'm STILL USING THIS.

>Stream and edit video daily
>Constant 60fps in games without a lot of shadows (30-50 otherwise)
>never experience desktop slowdown due to multiple apps running.
>Virtualize machines and run emu no problem with the exception of PS3 things
>Overclocked it 6 years ago on air. Still going strong.

Shit like this is why I will never fully trust benchmarks. Passmark would have you believe that this proc is dogshit, but it's still extremely capable almost a decade later FFS.

Can't wait to upgrade to a Ryzen 3900x :)!

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2080ti and 2700x
I find fast cpus useless at 4k 60hz and 3440x1440p 100hz anyway
Vr flopped and most game engines are gpu bound trash anyway

3.9GHz bruh

still doesn't change the fact that even a regular 1600 kicks my 7600k's ass in most games now bruh

Yeah but the power draw is so high. I have 8350 still and desperately want to make a new build altogether when I get my gubmint dollars.

Built my PC in 2016. Does alright.

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I5 9400f

It's good, I haven't found a fame yet with any issues.

Contrary to popular belief you can easily brick your motherboard if you don't know what you're doing, I'd suggest you not to mess with it. Now for your next build spend all you can on the video card, not so much on the processor, most of the computation nowadays is done by the video card.

>calling your PC your "rig"


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Just get a 9600K and push it to 5GHz on air bruh, utterly stomps any Ryzen in games

>Contrary to popular belief you can easily brick your motherboard if you don't know what you're doing
Isn't that mainly if you're messing with the voltages to get better temps? I idle around 30 and never go above 60 even under heavy load, so I could stand to go higher.

I mainly play flight sims, so CPU is just as if not more important than GPU power.

Its literally been referred to building a custom as that for two decades at least. Whys it now an issue?

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I change the graphics card when nextgen is out.

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it's not tho

might be time for an upgrade

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I had a 1070 and considered that, I'm too impatient though.

What is it? It looks so much cleaner than Speccy.

>6 threads that'll be about as stuttery as my 7600k
I only play at 75fps anyway, I don't need to push ridiculous framerates, my 7600k already gives me that and what I need isn't higher framerates but less of a stutterfest in AAA games (I don't really play any right now but there might be a couple I'd be interested in), which definitely won't be the case on a threadlet cpu

absolutely fucking based

Gonna get the 10900K

It's hwinfo.

>i5 4670K

Still holding up but showing its age with some games.

>lol intel simp wtf do you ev-
>it has 200w average power draw vs 30-50w with modern chips

Oh damn, you have a point. Looks like a finally have a good reason to upgrade besides shadows and PS3 emulation. Thx user, have some cordy

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lol this post reeks of retardation. then again it is an intcel user so it is to be expected.

i7 7700k

I'm happy as a 1080p god but i'll buy a 3080 to up my game to 4k if the price is right.

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What games do you play in it?

>mfw people STILL shill for Intel for the sole reason that they get an extra 3fps in games

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It's single core performance leaves much to desire, and it's power draw is insane.
It's thirstier than a 3990X yet perform like a 7700K.

This and 2700K are great.
Looking for a 4790K to replace my 4690K secondary PC.

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