Xbros what went wrong?

Xbros what went wrong?
This was supposed to kill Sony


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I'm so glad they didn't show Elden Ring or Cyberpunk so this place could finally shut the fuck up about it for at least a couple months

Snoys have had a rough week, they're just lashing out.

>literally only 2 minutes of the whole presentation is gameplay

what a stupid idiots

All I wanted to see was a person (preferably a straight white male) play lile 5 minutes of the games. Instead they show trailers. Fuckkk offf Xbox!

How the fuck are you gonna damage control the PATHETIC 4.6k likes? Xboxfags are literal morons

>This was supposed to kill Sony
showing multiplat games?

Are sony fags getting so desperate they think a 3rd party showing is a bad thing? Sony has yet to even show the console yet, yet snoys are acting like xfags have lost

it doesn't help that it was being hyped up so much by the official xbox twitter beforehand

"The games will do the changing" CRINGE

showing absolutely nothing of interest, pretending that cutscenes are gameplay, and doing boring interviews to stall for time.
don't pretend like you shills weren't hyping up elden ring, ffxvi and skate 4 announcements before this shitfest.

All Sony shills. Even on Twitter they're claiming they've "won" something because of this which I'm still baffled about. How can you win when you're not even participating?

yes sony won
they didn't even need to do anything

Attached: gameplay.jpg (687x143, 16.77K)

They call it the "E3 2019" play

I think the games they showed were fine but there wasn't much gameplay, they didn't show off halo like most retards wanted, and multiplats

Even the garbage ps5 gdc reveal has more likes than dislikes. Thats how fucking garbage this reveal was.

You xbox shills were hyping this up all week as the sony killer

I don't waste my time watching videogame videos.

Give me what happened.


TLOU 2 was worse than this and it's a first party game. 3rd party games have nothing to do with Microsoft and the trailers provided to them so this will be forgotten in like a week anyway. If this was their E3 conference of 1st party games that's a different story, but it's not so who cares.

I jumped through the presentation and all I saw was some nigger talking about Madden and Forza.

We're at the point where it's less about graphics because both consoles can put out the same shit and more about what we should be playing.

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Lmao and don't forget they were claiming this show to be their own because its 3rd party games and even push square made an article saying this xbox show is actually a Sony show and took full credit for everything shown and now suddenly they're pretending none of that happened. Sony shills are absolutely seething right now and it's hilarious.

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why would showing trailers for games that will also be on PS5 kill sony?

they showed a bunch of trailers for mediocre looking multiplat games

Xbox PreE3 Event Grading D

-Boring color palettes.
-...Madden....history lesson then 5 seconds of footage of the newest one
-Fade to black """trailers""", every single one
-Fucking put an epilaspy warning faggot trailer editors
+Namco new IP looks OK, I don't wanna be too negative so it gets a pass. Looks like discount Freedom Wars IMO.
+Vroom vroom car games for the dadcore demographic
+Vampire Masquerade is alright, the art direction is CLEARLY it's weakest link

It was pretty bad, I hope their E3 show is better. But I'm personally peeved by this trend all of the trailers had, epilepsy inducing quick cuts and fade to black. Incomprehensible trailers, honestly, 90% of them. I can't rewatch it because I might blind myself from all the crappy editing.

Attached: IzlwYfS.jpg (667x725, 163.5K)

Why have they not figured out that no one cares about Handegg and Froza games?

Because trey are Americans.

Americans make everything about themselves.

Why the fuck do they all do the fade to black cuts
What were they thinking

I think it's their way of avoiding spoilers(?) but some of them were TOO over the top scene skipping and scene cutting. Some of them shifted scenes within 5 seconds, 5 fucking quick cuts that fast. Too much.

>30mins of trailers and you only looked at 30secs of a nigger speaking
This is how I know you're retarded

Almost every single game shown here looks exactly the same.

Read his first sentence and think this time.

>I hope their E3 show is better.
...is cancelled.
The next Xbox event is in July.

Did that one game look like HR Giger?

How come no one is talking about it