Any fun survival horrors came out lately aside from REmakes?

any fun survival horrors came out lately aside from REmakes?

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>that part where the gangster adopts the kitty and is actually a total sweetheart
i crey evrytiem

Those aren't survival horrors.

you're fucking retarded

>tfw his mother was the abomination all along
Pretty certain she ate the first cat.

Like the majority of nu/v/. Don't expect intelligent individuals on this dumpster fire of a board, user.

Golden Light is just a demo right now, but it already has a ton of content and is being constantly updated and expanded. It's a damn good pick if you're looking for good survival horror.

Brutal as fuck though.

This manga is truly great, the parts where she pisses herself are my favourite
Regarding survival horror you could consider Degrees of Lewdity as one with minimal effort

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>"HeY. CaN YOu SeE mE?"

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Excellent pick.

World of Horror

Attached: world-of-horror-is-a-delightfully-frustrating-struggle-to-survive.jpg (1920x1080, 327.47K)

Godamnit Kana.

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What is this?

A cute school girl

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I’ve been working through the tools needed to make a survival horror game that isn’t trash for a while now. I just need a theme/setting that isn’t stale, or too esoteric.
I have some creative ideas but I’m afraid that they’ll be too out there, because games need a good mix of novelty but also familiarity to be successful.

What manga is this?

Just make player character into a military catgirl and set the setting into overgrown city full of zombies controlled by plants and murder plants


Attached: 7.png (975x1400, 505.15K)

Thanks user

An extremely cursed girl. Please help her.

Plants as an enemy seems like it could have potential, it’s kind of like your typical mold-like or Zerg-like enemy that grows everywhere but it’s technically not. RE 2 had the plant monsters for one segment but that was it.
Like Dino’s though, they are kind of in the fringe of scary though.

why doesn't she just ask the monsters to leave her alone

>hover hand

there's a thing in Japanese folklore about "acknowledging" the ghosts/spirits being a bad thing; basically, if she acknowledges to the ghosts that she can see them she'll immediately be in danger


While its not anything amazing, but thats still pretty cool.

I like how you instantly derailed your thread with your own picture.

Acknowledging their existence is immediate grounds for them to kill her. She's already had several near-misses.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Make the setting one of those huge pallet filled warehouses with tons of aisles and boxes everywhere. The player has to scavenge through these boxes for food/supplies. As for the enemy.. I dunno, evil clowns or something.

Attached: warehouse-interior-huge-spacious-carton-boxes-35105497[1].jpg (1300x957, 260.12K)

Same for shitposting. Its why so many here are cursed.

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The Sixth Sense

are you implying that that wasn't the intention of the OP in the first place?

If you're some ghost wandering around forever with the living ignoring you, you will seek out and follow the only person who could see you and talk to you

So, make another SCP game then?

SCP is worn out and has SJW baggage.

Jesus Christ that was one of my plans already, minus the clowns. There would be a warehouse/shipping area and the shipping containers had scp like things in them, or portals to other worlds.
I have another idea that’s in an underground decaying city like Texhnolyze with an actual story but I think it’s too out there.

And eat them.

Why hasn’t this idea been done?

I bought RE7 and I genuinely feel scammed, this game is a piece of shit. Can’t believe people were saying it was returning to the classic RE formula when it came out when all the similarities it has to the old game are superficial bullshit references and nothing else. 6 had more in common with classic RE than 7

The idea was that it was bringing actual horror back to the series, because it had decayed to over the top antics.

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i want to protect her bros

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Pathologic 2 is tecnically more survival of them all, with subtle horror and a bit of fun