E3 2015 nothing

>E3 2015 nothing
>E3 2016 nothing
>E3 2017 nothing
>E3 2018 nothing
>E3 2019 nothing
>E3 2020 probably nothing

What the fuck is happening? I can't think of one good game that's coming out anytime soon, I should just give up on vidya

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>E3 2018
Imagine not playing video games.

E3 2018 was great though

2019 ff7r and cyberpunk

depression user, you will have to live with it

kill yourself doomposter

Sekiro was E3 2018

What about Cyberpunk 2077?

Gaming since 2010ish, probably a little earlier, has been two things: online multiplayer or clearing your backlog. So few worthwhile games have released since then, it's no surprise e3 sucks


CP77 doesn't look good tbqh. my hype levels for it are close to zero. Let me know when the next Witcher comes out.

>e3 2020

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For the past five or so years, I've only tuned in to E3 to see how the companies embarrass themselves.

That doesn't even happen anymore. Early 2010s were comfy because we were getting games and also cringe, now we get nothing, gaming is fucking dead to me

Ever since the other companies realized how good Nintendo Directs were at creating hype they are doing their own announcements without competing for the spotlight. It is just how things are right now.

Nah, play the games you missed. I bet there is a ton of games from 2012, 2013 you missed out on.

>tfw no more e3 cringe compilations
It will only be prerecorded streams from now on, random cringe moments will be a thing of the past.

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E3 is not a problem. You lost interest in life. That's a problem

>They've all gone digital so now we can't even experience cringe kino

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I think the problem is that OP is depressed and can’t enjoy anything anymore

Sounds like you don't like video games, bud. What exactly would make it "something"?

>you lost interest in life because a shitty video game convention is shitty
there's more to life than video games friendo. not liking e3 doesn't mean his entire life is a mess

Are we due for a Rockstar announcement?

We live in a world with titles like mount&blade, factorio, dwarf fortress, cataclysm, aurora, total war: warhammer, and sekiro. There is nothing wrong with gaming.


>We live in a world with titles like mount&blade, factorio, dwarf fortress, cataclysm, aurora, total war: warhammer, and sekiro. There is nothing wrong with gaming.

Those are all old ass games, most of them niche

>yfw you realize that games announced at E3 2015 still haven't released

Get a new hobby

consooming overproduced marketing driven redditshit isn't a hobby

Get a new hobby

>What the fuck is happening?

You are growing up. Time to pick up some real hobbies.