Just beat P5R. What did Zig Forums think of her?

Just beat P5R. What did Zig Forums think of her?

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She's cool.

Not really worth the money

She's shit.

>15 year old in that outfit

Why can't Japan stay away from sexualizing underages?

like her, but Atlus fucked by only making her playable for only the last palace, what the fuck were they thinking

I think I want to slam her while she does gymnastics stretches and poses while she wears her Phantom Thieves outfit

Very cute. Fun personality. Ultimately more pointless than Marie was in P4G by comparison.

Because it makes fragile westerners like you seethe.

Shit character.

Cute kouhai

>attracted to children because grownup women are too scawy
>call others fragile
Nice projection, IMAX

Shit but not as shit as Makoto.

my bird bride

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No, actually. Kawakami is my favorite girl in fact. I'm simply pointing out that you're literally shaking and crying over a 15 year old fictional character being sexy. Why do you even care? How does it affect you? You can't answer, and you have no argument.

She was lovely. Cute, coquettish kouhai. Though she is vastly superior as Sumire though, both in her personality and in her looks (hairdown and glasses was a god tier look for her)

Sumi was cute, but they did her dirty on the last day
What a huge wasted opportunity

Still like Kawakami better. What they did with Akechi though, made the whole game worth for me

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Great game. After 300h and 3 play through a of vanilla I didn’t think I would say that I I want to NG+ Royal but that was my first thought at credit roll. I will need to finish my backlog of Sakura Wars, and FFVIIR (which I didn’t even touch yet) first. Also I’m glad the game loosened up Sumire’s schedule in the last week. If she didn’t show up in Kichoji on Monday I wouldn’t have gotten rank 10. Literally got her 2nd awakening Wednesday and her third awakening Thursday morning the day of the deadline.

>says this, while the most popular confidants are the christmas cakes except ohya

wish i hadn't played the original because i can't see myself sitting through all of that stuff again just to get to the new content. and i can't just mindlessly skip either since some of the new stuff is also sprinkled throughout the main game

just fucking IMAGINE

I gotta hope someday P5 will be released on PC or PS4 will have a decent emulator and someone'll make an Early Kasumi mod where she joins up with the Phantom Thieves way earlier.

I had the same thought initially but since put in 180h in the game. It’s great

>can only use their evolved personas for 1 day and only really for the final boss
This upsets me

>gets her persona
>long drawn out magical girl transformation that nobody else ever got

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Anyone remember if technicals were this OP in the original game? Makoto’s forget and Haru’s Psi magic just steamrolls everything

It's because she was kasumi at the moment

That's actually a pretty clever nickname for her. But yeah, no goodbye scene was bullshit, what were they thinking?

>Would rather be dead than in a world where someone else has total control over his reality
What an absolute madlad.

You can only get her third awakening the day of the deadline so you really only missed out on using her second awakening persona on anything.

I wanted more time with the two of them in general, but yeah the third personas especially. Ella and Hereward were fucking metal, no way I was going to rock up to the final boss without them in my party.

It was a false awakening, the whole thing seems different because it's a sham.

You definitely couldn't get 100% knockdown technicals like you can in this through billiards.

She's a great character that wasn't used to her full potential. Also the ending is very underwhelming if you romanced her.

>what were they thinking?
Right? Retroactively ruines all her social link almost

leotards make my dick rock hard so I love her

Literally why should I play Royal if I've already played the original

They could have given more screentime to my wife, but decided to force in this harlot instead. Unforgivable.

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Because it's better

Because u only played the beta. Thanks for beta testing

Such an interesting plot twist after the 5th social link youtu.be/d5b21fi2Dgo

It's a leotard and she does gymnastics

Get help

That and the fact that she never revisits the hair down with glasses look after maxing her confidant are my biggest problems. I wanted a Naoto style thing where you can pick.

For the most part it's a way more definitive version of the original. Lots of quality of life tweaks and some neat new stuff in the base game. If you ever intend to replay the original I'd say consider trying Royal.

She now gets an additional palace and month to be used in along with a third Persona just like everyone else, what's to complain about?


A lot of QoL additions that make the game more enjoyable if not easier.
New confidants are enjoyable and Kasumi is great
Final dungeon and it's corresponding ost is fantastic. "Believe" and "Throw away your mask" are worth a listen if you haven't already

You don't have to if you don't want to, you can easily just look up a youtube playthrough of the last month or read a summary or something