plastic pure unrealistic stereotyped girl
Realistic, dark, deep and genuine girl

Attached: wrpgjrpg.jpg (1160x334, 202.1K)

This might be the first time where I actually like the western example more.

i agree

Yeah Aerith is too perfect for the west, a girl needs to take at least 5 human and 1 dog dick to be seen as adult

left looks like she fucks black guys exclusively. right looks like she fucks lean white guys with spiky blond hair and blue eyes exclusively.

>Realistic, dark, deep

Attached: tips pizza.jpg (640x802, 51.51K)

>thot vs pure

Are you implying pure is somehow not a good thing?

right fucked a lean asian spiky blacked haired guy

>spiky blond hair
spiky *black hair

>play wrpg
>can't remember a single character's name after a week
>play jrpg
>it's so good it keeps being relevant decades later so it gets a remake that divides the fanbase for not being nearly as good as the original

I remember when Aerith was called Aeris

Attached: 5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png (1092x1037, 26.91K)

>playing video games for realism
This is why the West will always be shit

Attached: 1585019428292.png (500x593, 77.43K)

>giraffe neck

She was called pretty early on aerith on some magazines

The absolute state of mutts

Attached: 1578313326906.png (750x751, 70.28K)

I like both but consider midriff to get bonus points in any character design.

Attached: D8uD6JWXoAUcSF_.jpg (900x506, 66.43K)

Give Aerith a break, she took an eight foot blade through her chest after all

Why is the choker on the wrpg character look so trashy and whorish, but the choker on aerith looks fine

>Vampire who is intentionally slathered in arbitrary "flaws" to make her look more realistic, none of which do anything to diminish her porcelain aesthetic

>Idealistic flower-picking girl, almost entirely optimistic due to her attunement with the planet, has no reason to be edgy and grimdark because she's surrounded by edgy grimdark heroes who do most of the brutal fighting around her

Aerith makes far, far more sense

I can have sex with realistic looking girls in real life. It's not that great. I cannot have sex with Aerith in real life.

Attached: aerith1.png (1920x1080, 1.85M)

I'm European. The girl on the left is from a game where every male character but one was black in the trailers. She wears chokers and has piercings. It's obvious who she'll fuck.

>giraffe neck
>all the better to throat the bbc

Attached: 1528177232171.jpg (2368x2370, 1.09M)

Both are inhuman and ugly as sin, would not bang either unless completely wasted

Attached: aerith.png (1819x920, 1.34M)

>mutts now larp as Euros
It is really just pathetic at this point.

I don't play games for it to be realistic. I play games for the exact reason that they're unrealistic.

t. coping white boy

If they are ugly as sin I would like to see an image of what you consider good looking

Also sameface.

The eyes ruin it for me. Sure I can see all the good stuff about the western girl, but the eyes look so lifeless and shit. There is no soul behind those eyes.

Yeah ok bro get a girl that looks like left, I'm sure she hasn't sucked 100 dicks. Does your mother or sister look like this or why the cope?

Lol, imagine having a 13cm dick and being a virgin at 29.

WRPGs are just as guilty as being unrealistic

Fuck off, jew.

nice projection. i'm packing a 21cm BBC. hope you aren't getting a chub thinkin about how i'll cuck you yt

>There's too much soul to be grasped by a weeb.

Op here, bottom is better

Attached: westjp.jpg (1224x1324, 240.21K)

Western > Weeb shit
As it always was, is and will be.

>small white boi can't break her choker

Attached: cake factory.jpg (620x620, 92.23K)

Left or right?

Attached: 323232.jpg (2215x1177, 152.82K)

>19 inch cock
>7'5, 600lbs 5% bodyfat
>Make $8,000,000 every month in interests
>Own five mansions in three different countries
>Own 22 luxury cars for my legion of vpersonal valets
>Read Ulysses as casual literary fodder just to pass the moments between orgies with supermodels and foreign nobility

>Still can't beat Martyr Logarius


Attached: file.png (1300x956, 1.48M)

It's a woman, user.

West looks like she does porn for a living.

I don't like it.

Does this guy still post on image boards? I would have thought he'd left already

Lol, do mutts really think all girl fuck niggers?
The only thing you're packing is your anime pillow.


>ugly whore full of piercings and tattoos
>wooow so realistic!!!
I can't tell whether this is nice or incredibly sad.

Left. Right looks 8 years old.

whatever you say little boy. make sure not to get a chub when you browse all those BBC threads on gif later. i'm sure your little butt is aching.

user, the left gurl is a stereotype more than Aerith is now. It's current year.

The eyes seriously look painted on. Like, she doesn't have any eyes but there is just flesh there, so she sloppily drew some eyes on her eyeless face.

You wasted or them wasted? This is an important distinction

Left could just as well be part of the wall behind her, completely void of any human characteristics.

Zack has dark hair, scrub.

dios mio

>buttom girl is younger than top girl
>buttom girl looks like a granny compared to top girl

Attached: 1231087700659.jpg (611x395, 63.42K)

The girl on the left is still cute as fuck

It's the designs. Americans can't into character design. They're afraid to do all the things the best Japanese designers do to make their characters stand out: pay attention to color, pay attention to fashion, pay attention to silhouette, pay attention to party harmony. Americans just add trinkets and armor in bland, disharmonious colors and shapes, without thinking how they contribute to the character's one-sentence concept or the party.

Look at even fucking FFXV, they're all wearing black but you will never mix them up or forget them, and the only one that's halfway wtf is Gladiolus just because he's inexplicably shirtless.

Right is a dirty girl

Attached: 1588102255589.jpg (768x768, 88.69K)

Left 100%

I'm not the one that says she sucks black dick I'm saying she sucks 100 cocks not matter the race. Lmao are you a defender of europe saying that the slut on the left is good looking? My man you're retarded and pathetic.
>yeah she sucks 100s of dicks a month, does heroine and is a prostitute but she doesn't suck black dick so she is basically a defender of europe

Knowing western devs these days there's a 99% chance the one on the left has a dick.

Right has the most generic face ever.

You're all a bunch of jealous non Whites or just incels triggered by women that look real.

Like I said.

Post a minimum 8/10 to you lil nigga

>mfw I like both

Attached: 1567969041107.jpg (221x616, 52.17K)

How the fuck do japs manage to do this? Can western devs create characters who look like this if they tried?

Attached: 1588378285206.jpg (702x562, 66.78K)

Attached: Europe TV.jpg (961x981, 631.65K)

Why is it so hard to believe that some women could act like Aerith?

Attached: some people.png (1280x720, 1020.08K)

she is too pure for the degenerate west

welcome to eb games


>giraffe neck
>women looks real
Do you also hate makeup, user? You want the "realistic" look, right?

Attached: 709d1e86a751d5f5c99c1219d55e9d68[1].jpg (650x650, 75.51K)


>her neck is slightly above average so she's a giraffe
OK incel

Reminder that this fucked up schizo is from a discord group that primarily spams Zig Forums with demoralization and blacked propaganda.

Because she's an idealistic maniac pixie girl.

implying any man wants the latter

She is a giraffe and I want to fuck that giraffe.