4k 60fps will be the standard on the xbox series x

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Well the standard for PCs is 8k 144FPS

Just wait for the upgraded versions they launch a year or two after base console. You have to wait years before a good exclusive is even released on it anyway. No reason to buy it day 1.

it will be some knock off DLSS shit

Anyone who supports Microsoft should just give up now because they tried to promote a satanist and Gates has connections to the elite.

As a PC player I'm actually glad console hardware is advancing and becoming more streamline. It puts more pressure on hardware manufacturers to practice competitive pricing. While it won't make me switch to console, it's always good news to hear that consoles are advancing.

>they promote a satanist and Gates has connections to the elite
I don't see an issue here

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How can they enforce this? Besides, all it takes is PC getting ONE feature not present in the current climate and next gen starts dropping frames and resolutions, like this gen.

This is the same thing they were saying when they revealed the xboxx

in 2025 maybe

By requiring developers to adhere to the standard. If your game dips below 60 it's not getting sold on Xbox.

does anybody know what fps my eyes are

You actually believe that shit?

based rational member of the master race

>Up to 120 fps
That's pretty meaningless. For example I can run league of legends on 240fps but I can't have more than 140 fps on cs:go.

Lol, Minecraft RTX on Xbox isn't even 60fps & that's from Microsoft

Up to 200 i think but that may only be fightet pilots

Last time I checked Series X wasn't even out yet.


That's caused by the shitty tablet cpu it has

its not even 60 fps on a 2080 ti using DLSS running at 1080p upscaled to 4k

We already know the specs and we therefore know it cannot do 4k 60fps. It can target that, it can do snazzy workarounds to pretend to be accomplishing it, but it cannot do true 4k 60fps without major caveats that would make every game look like dogshit.

200+ the more the better.

The only game that actually showed gameplay had constant framedrops.

The Sex is better than 99% of PCs for 5% of the price. It's a no brainer.

I do. I personally had at least 3 people I know switch from PC to Console back when the Xbox One S released because they thought it was just cheaper and easier than having a gaming PC that they constantly had to upgrade. I personally don't mind having to upgrade my PC because I like to add new components and be able to build it myself, but I can see the market exists.

The way I see it, if consoles remain around their current price point, and they get better hardware, then the price of PC hardware will probably go down as a result. Not the newer state-of-the-art stuff, but last-year type hardware will drop in price.

Variable resultion with 60fps then?

no it won't lol


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>120 fps beast machine
>meanwhile AssCreed Valhalla runs at 4k 30 fps

Please keep your Boomer shit on Facebook.

>"architecture allows us to support 120fps"
What an absolute non-statement for a techlet audience.
Because we all know architecture has hard-wired framerate caps.

>took this many posts in for someone to post this
Disappointed in Zig Forums

That will never happen

>4k 60fps cutsceanes

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It's easy to run a game designed to run on Xbox One S at 60FPS Microsoft. Smart Delivery destroying next-gen already.

that sounds hella based man. can you provide a link/source. if this is true i will be buying 3 on launch instead of 1.

Aaron "all games will work at 1080p on xbox one" Greenberg

Im sure they can achieve 120 fps if you stare at the floor

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i would fucking hope 4k60fps would be the standard if theyre basically doubling the computing power of the xbox one x that can run 4k30fps

He said they all output at 1080p which is factually correct. Internet resolution and output resolution aren't the same.