Valorant's Anti-Cheat "Vanguard" Melting GPUs and Self-Overriding BIOS

Apparently, Riot's Vanguard Anti-cheat it's using for Valorant has been disabling people's mice and even their system cooling without notice or consent. Caused a dude's GPU to melt.

Attached: valorant.jpg (1000x600, 351.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If you willingly download chink malware you deserve your fate


>gets neural network aimbot
literally undetectable

based anyone playing this game should have their gpu melted and their mobo bricked

Sounds like more fake news from cheat makers.

Attached: 1586879293106.jpg (1849x402, 104.52K)


Based Chinks dabbing on retards. Anyone who installs this deserves his PC to be fried.

No, it isnt.

None of this shit about anticheat software or drm breaking hardware has EVER been true

>giving Tencent kernel privileges to your PC

Attached: tenor (1).gif (498x474, 406.55K)
Literally is

Into the trash it goes

I actually got given a key yesterday but I ain't touchin that shit nigga

Attached: 1580109411043.jpg (600x600, 32.53K)

works on my machine

Ah, yes. Shitpostlover69 posting on a default PHPBB forum. The epitome of journalistic integrity.

That'd be funny as fuck if true

can you sell them?

Attached: dumpeet.jpg (645x540, 105.88K)

this desu lmao


>asks for source
>is given source
>"haha into trash! China do nuffing wong!"
Chinks on display folks

Attached: Fio sand.png (471x471, 68.63K)

Ah, yes. Anonymous posting on an incel support group. The epitome of journalistic integrity.

Don't forget the intentionally shitty one-word zoomer post right after to drag the discussion through the mud.

Gonna turn a profit from someone else destroying their 3000 dollar gaming rig bc they want to become Twitch relevant

Attached: lole.png (1423x1436, 1.9M)

>dude just believe me

Attached: Tencent.jpg (1003x219, 94.05K)

Did it kill lawbreakers yet?


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Isn't this exactly what that the Riot / Tencent shills were saying that would happen if you played CS:GO or TF2 after the "source code" leak? It is ironic that Riot's new game doesn't even need to have its source code leaked to become malware.

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a thousand times this. even reddit knows that this shit is malicious. try to imagine a chinese rootkit on your fucking machine

It's a valid source and can suck my Moby Dick
Chinese shillbots abound folks beware

Imagine downloading this shit on your PC
What sub 100 IQ do you need to have?

Attached: #oshit im feeling it.jpg (836x543, 111.01K)

the devs actually responded and acknowledged that the anti cheat does block programs and hardware

Pic saved, opinion discarded.

A single tear for the butthurt shill.


I think he was referring to the GPU melting. I can't see that being possible unless it completely disabled the fans somehow, but it seems like the PC would crash at that point. Maybe I'm just a retard but in my experience, overheating hardware causes the PC to lock up, not melt.

Why are you so sad, shill? Wanna talk about it?

>it made my mouse and keyboard
>fixed by uninstalling
nigga how the fuck are you unistalling shit without your mouse or keyboard

Attached: 14COhR2.png (512x512, 23.5K)

I don't it when people say bad things about Riot...

it disabled whatever program they were using to manage their fans/heat settings

>I don't it when
Are you okay user? Are you having a stroke?

Don't question it, chinese = bad and for the best cheats in the industry

That would be cool to see an anti-cheat that destroys the cheaters computer.

But if the actual hardware overheats it doesn't have any kind of failsafe?

boot safe mode? retard

Lol this! Anyways what happened at Tiananman Square in 1989?

plug harddrive into another device and scrub it

it has

You chinks are in for a rude awakening when this outbreak passes and millions have died. You think your shilling will soothe the rage and anguish of the many millions who have lost loved ones and their livelihoods in democratic countries? You slant-eyed fucks are going back to the Mao days after this.

Attached: n.jpg (249x238, 13.64K)

sometimes I lose faith in humanity

Ww3 is going to be China vs the world.
After it's over these slant eyed fucks won't have anything to go back to.

Of course it doesnt. Thw GPU throttles itself long before that happens
Its just people who know nothing about computers spreading lies which worry people who know nothing about computers

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The GPU didn't literally "melt" retards- it overheated to 90 C bc Vanguard disabled the cooling software/fans.

Attached: #o.png (544x572, 80.63K)

the person said that he smelled a melting plastic smell. probably before the gpu's failsafe activated.

Then his entire build was garbage because the hardware itself will shut off past a certain point, this isn't the 90s anymore, there are failsafes built into hardware now.

it's irrelevant since the "anti-cheat" disabled his software without his knowledge.

No it didn't

>90 C
That shouldn't be hot enough to melt it