Go into a Capcom thread bitching about how they can't seem to stop fucking up

>go into a Capcom thread bitching about how they can't seem to stop fucking up
>mention Ace Attorney's status as another black mark against them
>no one notices or cares

Why are we the disregarded siblings of the Capcom family? We have just as many grievances.

Attached: AthenaSezUSuk.png (732x966, 616.05K)

Dual destinies was shit s.age

I beat my dick to a lot of Athena futa porn

Isn't AA7 confirmed though?

Not in any meaningful or absolute way.


post Athena porn and I won't sage

Dual Destinies was the best one.

That's being contrarian.

It's a series that does serviceably, but is still quite niche.

>DGS2 will never ever be localized

Attached: damage.gif (256x192, 420.92K)

Why do you want it to be? The game doesn't hide that it's about Japanese characters, just roll with it.

I can't read squiggles motherfucker I need to know what they're saying so I can evidence

That's just translation then, it's not localization.

Dual destinies actually was one of the better games. Blackquil bestboy

If you have a good computer, download the fan translation and use citra, you need to try an old version of citra to get it to work correctly, kind of like the situation with playing Devil survivor on citra.

DGS2 isn't done yet, though, he'd be left hanging.

I was really into Phoenix Wright back in 2006.
I loved every game up until T&T (which came out after Apollo Justice over here), AAI was cool too.
Then they just stopped releasing them regularly and then stopped localising the games so I just lost all interest in it.

That's because you're a loser.

yes capcom threads never mention AA which really puts capcom up there with sega on wasted IPs

play the best game in the series by far, AAI2, it's fucking perfect

Not really, it was obvious the quality was declining.
I doubt 5 or 6 can match up with T&T after what I saw from Apollo.

Also in the UK, we got a new Ace Attorney every 6 months for a couple of years, which is the perfect release cycle for a visual novel based completely around solving a mystery.

At the very minimum, Gyakuten Kenji 2's story rivals T&T.

If it's so good why didn't they release it in english?

anyways, a fantranslation is available

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so the main series goes to shit and we're left with fucking wandering around embassies, great.

I thought Apollo was one of the best titles all told. New, fun characters, a great exploration of Phoenix as a character, and what would have been a great conclusion/jumping off point to a new system of mechanics. Shame that it wasn't Shu at the held for DD and that all got thrown out.

It's in the middle for me. The plotting has a lot of issues, Phoenix minimizes Apollo too much, and the ending is flat.

But the music is great (some of the best in the series) and I like the new characters.

T&T loses because it ends up in Mia bailing Phoenix instead of Phoenix pulling through
also, what the FUCK was Godot thinking

I liked the first one, but I lost so much steam with the second. An amount I'd never experienced with an AA game. Still never managed to complete it.

First one didn't do the numbers they wanted and they were at the promotional cusp of the 3DS, I think. Been a while, so I can't be sure.


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That's the first one, the second one is way better.

me in the middle

First one is the worst game in the series (although PLxAA is probably my least favorite thing with the Ace Attorney name attached).

Turnabout Serenade or whatever it is called is atrocious, only Turnabout Big Top is worse than it.
Both chapters caused me to drop the games for long periods.

>not Dual Destinies or AJ
c'mon now

GK2 released very late in the DS's life cycle and Capcom simply thought translating the game wasn't worth it business wise.

I thought of the ending as closure/garnish, as the climax and preceeding flashbacks sort of told me everything that I was particularly interested in. It wasn't a very conventional end though, and feels like it'd have better served as a lead in to another game that we never ended up getting.

I can see your thing about Apollo towards the later half. Apollo feels like he clearest stand in for a player trying to figure things out with his own characterization slowly being filled in as an aside. I'd say it was probably the best way to handle it at the time where people would've likely run a backlash at Phoenix not staying prominent.

T&T is pretty overrated and Godot is shit. The best are the flashback cases.


How is the last game in the series?
I've only just realised there is a 6th game!

I'm a fan of Dual Destinies if that helps!

>Neither hit me that hard. What were your biggest frustrations?

A pretty good step up from 5, mostly because they stopped hand-holding the player but the plot is better too.

The only thing I didn't like was I felt the soundtrack didn't really do it for me.

>. The best are the flashback cases.
The best part of T&T is playing as Edgeworth on Day 1 of the last case.
>4 contradictions in 1 statement

>T&T loses because it ends up in Mia bailing Phoenix instead of Phoenix pulling through
Not true, unless you're talking about Dahlia.
Phoenix corners Godot all by himself, just like he wanted.

The 2 best games, AAI2 and DGS2, weren't localized. The 2 worst games, AAI and PLvsPW, were.

Cool, thanks bro