2B is some Xenoblade 2 tier trash design and I will never understand the praise it gets. 2B definitely counts as bad design. Oversexualized and looks to be very young as well. Seriously her design ruined Nier Automata for me. 2B is oversexualized for no good reason and I don't like it. So in my opinion that is bad character design. Let's not forget that there are achievements tied to looking up her skirt and blowing off her clothes
2B is some Xenoblade 2 tier trash design and I will never understand the praise it gets...
it has layers
fuck off roastie
why are you gay
Yeah well, that's like, your opinion, man.
There is NOTHING in Automata or any other Taro game that looks as retarded as Dahlia.
Her design is fine. Her dress is nice.
>Im afraid of my perfectly normal sexuality because ugly women and mentally ill people tell me its bad
Experiencing dysphoria, OP?
Fuck off westcuck
Learn how to punctuate, ESL.
>people who praise Automata
I love the music, the story was pretty interesting and the directing was really well done. 1 was a little better with its characters but its still a great game! A2 is a shit.
>people who shit on Automata
2B's ass doesn't even show unless you blow yourself up or whatever. I never get these people.
Seems like a unitard would be pretty practical for an acrobatic murder bot.
You'll never pass.
If one character being sexy is the only thing it takes for you to consider it a bad character then you have objectively bad taste.
Or going up or down a ladder.
They think that if they have a dirty thought then everyone else does too, so they pretend to not actually think the way they're biologically meant to. Its the same things as when the people who are extremely against anime/pedophilia turn out to be literal pedophiles
ass too flat
boo hoo. i want to stick my dick in her fartbox and that's all that matters retard
I think the years of constant coom has eroded the brains of most people on Zig Forums.
It's one of the best designs ever made. Yoshida's designs are always fantastic, but this one is just *chef's kiss*. He should get a medal for it.
Go back to tumblr
I think years of HRT have eroded the brains of most people on Twitter.
When the demo came out, people we're checking if 2B had a buldge. Not for sexual purposes, we need to be sure if Yoko Taro sold out or not .
>Humanity transcends flesh
But Androids aren't the "new humans". Especially not the YoRHa units. Humanity is flat out extinct in Nier: Automata.
Unless the image means that being human transcends flesh?[/spoile]
Japan knows that the eye eats first and that a sex drive resides inside every healthy man. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sex appeal in games. In fact it makes games even better than they were before.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Imagine being this much of a shitter cuck that you get mad because OH NO, A GAME HAS A SEXY FEMALE CHARACTER! I bet you hate FF7 and Bayonetta too you fucking retard.
i know what you mean but its ass so idgaf
There should be room for non-sexualized character designs and coom. Automata is a game im making room for.
Right, I forgot, on Zig Forums you're only allowed to hate things.
wasn't there something that said they don't have genitals as standard but can be equipped with them if they want it?
Good, if her design managed to ruin your experience then you are the exact kind of person i dont want playing my video games.
Now fuck off.
Yes, same with shitting and eating I believe
Imagine being threatened by a good looking body this much. 2B has one of the best character designs in the last decade. Immediately recognizable silhouette, easy to read, blindfold makes her stand out, etc. You're being ridiculous.
>Replying to low quality bait threads
Every fucking time
>2B is oversexualized
translation: "I am ugly roastie who hates it when fictional characters do not represent *my* shallow identity!"
this is very unflattering light, her ass looks 2D.
>Mfw a co-worker nerd tried to explain to me how 2b's outfit is perfectly explained by the game's lore
Naw dude Taro just likes himself some ass
>I-I was only pretending to be retarded. H-ha ha trolled! XD
desu the rest of the game is boring garbage besides 2b's asscheeks
>2B will never grind your pelvis to dust
The man said himself that the androids are attractive just 'cause
how the fuck don't you have dirty thoughts about 2b?
ur a faggot m8
>desu the rest of the game is boring garbage besides 2b's asscheeks
Zig Forums doesn't deserve nice things
are 2B and Pyra the waifus of the generation?
Oversexualization isn't the issue. The issue is the the design is drab, says nothing about the character, and lacks any discernible thought. The funniest thing is that later in the game the androids are outfitted with armor for battle, yet the literal battle android lacked any armor prior to that moment.
I'm unironically gay and you're a fucking retard OP. 2B's design is great. Same can be said to A2. 9S is OK at best and meh at worst. Regardless, you're a bigger fag than me and that's saying a lot.
>Zig Forums is one person
I like Toobs more.
>complains about oversexualisation
>Takes the extra steps needed to blow the skirt off
Evry tim...
>yet the literal battle android lacked any armor prior to that moment.
She was out for exploration, dumbass.
Peak faggotry
In terms of making roasties and trannies seethe? Yes.
Based coomer resistance
Pyra is the best one of this generation.
xeno 2 designs are the best thing that's happened to mainstream jrpgs in years. 2b is great as well
Woman here.
I like 2B and her design.
tora ready to swim in pyra's bathwater?
The 1st fucking mission isn't an exploration task yet still no armor. Neck yourself.