Why does Japan have to stand up to the plate and make great games about our mythology and history?

Why does Japan have to stand up to the plate and make great games about our mythology and history?
Why can't we westerners do it ourselves?

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westerners are more interested in space settings

>great games
>dark souls

Why ask a question you already know the answer to

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Why not both?

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>Dark Souls
>our mythology and history

Because westerners didn't exist during the time period that setting is from. Go complain to the europoors instead

>berserker: the video game
>our mythology
nigger they just make fantasy worlds with medieval fantasy gear, that's all. there's nothing related to our mythologies

History is raycis

CDPR has great setting in the Witcher but the execution is shit.
That said Asians are more trad

>dark souls
>our mythology

Man, the Souls clones drought is already making Souls fags go insane. What the fuck does Dark Souls has to do with our hystory?

Darksouls is awful as a fantasy rpg. You can put any wrapper you want on it and it will not change a thing about the game. For example sekeiro. The fantasy elements are just decoration.

Westerners hate their own history and will take any chance to subvert it rather than celebrate it.

being white or german or christian or having a peaceful agrarian civilization, or having pure maidens all over the place, or being a badass righteous warrior is awesome, and everyone knows it
but Satan is real and has spent thousands of years saturating the people he hates with pure evil
if we choose to accept it, then we have to live with it

This. We are being taught that everything our history has done is bad and evil. So it turns out that someone outside our culture can see its positive points.

It's a shame that someone else has to come and do it, but that's the state of things.

they do, you just don't like them.

unironically jews
they took over western industry sometime around 2010 and it has been a slow and gradual degradation up until this point
Im not saying japanese make good games, because most of them are shit, but they don't have cia propaganda influencing their development they just make whatever tf they want

Honestly the fact Bloodborne is one of the only few good pieces of Lovecraft-inspired work in the past 20 years is fucking baffling. Japan just have a knack for not being absolute morons when they have the passion to back themselves up. Ignoring the year 1945.

>make game described by OP
>game flops

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westerners are more interested in niggers

We do.

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>our mythology
whos this “our” you are talking about

Red Dead Redemption 2 came out pretty recently

What part of dark sus is western other than knights

Only in eastern Europe

What about the Elder Scrolls series?

What in the fucking christ are you talking about, if Dark Souls counts as "our" history then literally every other medieval set game does

Westerners don't give a collective fuck about culture or (pre-modern) history. Japan, a place with a largely untarnished, long-standing culture and a modern history appreciation for the West (thank the nukes) no doubt has them more enamoured with exploring Western ideologies and history. Maybe.

TES makes up its own mythology and history

so does dark souls

They are also better stewards of Chinese history and culture than modern China.

best europe