why did america get the ugly piece of shit version?
Why did america get the ugly piece of shit version?
Amerimutts like boxes
Ever wonder why the xbox one looks like a VHS player
left looks like a car seat headrest
right has SOUL
Unironically prefer the right version
Because it looked more like a PC, same reason the NES looked and sold like it did.
Because everyone was scared of another game crash happening so they kept on pushing the "it's not a game console it's an entertainment system" thing.
Left- console module in a UC timeline Gundam
Right- off brand Playdoh maker
I can understand changing the cover of something in the localization of a game, but why would they redesign the fucking console? did they think this design would sell better there?
so its shit then
The american version looks far more aesthetic. The super famicom looks like a bag of bread.
>faggy weebs picking form over function
The US controller had far superior X and Y buttons, and the buttons weren’t colored like half the fucking pride rainbow.
>did they think this design would sell better there?
yes that's why they redesigned it
You say that like a joke, but I guarantee that is the actual reason. Same reason why the NES looks like a VHS player.
I fucking loved the eject button on the US version, fuck your gray pile of shit too, only fags dislike purple.
because americans are ugly pieces of shit so it fit in perfectly there.
True patricians like both designs.
>yanks probably also think Genesis is a better name than Mega Drive
I fucking LOVE boxes
It's very revealing of sort of universal mental illness Americans are subject to that they feel obligated to defend objective visual downgrades to everything.Truly a people of no culture.
Because amerisharts deserve the worse always.
so the cost of manufacturing an entire different console for one specific reason would be worth the sells of people that decide what to buy based on how they look? I mean, if they did this it probably has a purpose, but it sounds dumb
Is it fatal doc? Is there anything I can do?
>the buttons weren’t colored like half the fucking pride rainbow.
Rent free
>thinking that over designed monstrosity with faggot rainbow shit looks better
Shouldn't Europoors be out playing kick the can or, if they are truly affluent, "football?"
Study this image carefully and learn what to reject
i grew with the US version, and then found out the EU version and wow, really blew my mind.
even the controller has more style.
>looks like a toy
>looks like an appliance
based americans BTFOing japs
sharts don't have an eye for beauty, they're simple people
have you seen their cars?
>Soulless gray box that takes up 4 times the space.
Concave X and Y buttons
>name straight out of The Holy Bible vs. some sinful EXTREMELY RAD MAN moniker
Not even a second thought, Mohammad
>over designed
It's literally the opposite. It's neat, compact and doesn't have plastic tumours growing out of it. If Americans weren't fags they'd play rugby instead of 'football'
Reminder that they changed the design because Nintendo received a lot of complaints about Americans using the old NES as a coaster and getting drinks spilled all over it. They saw the EU design and realized it had a flat surface and Americans could spill their drinks literally into the cartridge slot so they designed a special retard version with no flat surfaces so that the mutts couldn't rest their Big Gulp 2 liter cokes on it.
cassettes > cartridges
the famicom looks so fucking stupid
Revenge for Nagasaki.
I love the famicom aesthetically, but it's an objectively bad design solely for those controllers. Not only by being permanently attached to the console, but also the cables being so fucking short.
I know it was intended to keep the console close and all, but lots of people play from their fucking couch.
>nobody's posted the best model yet
But the NA release of the NES is the most robust and capable model you can get if you install a Blinking light win.