What are your favourite FPS games with active multiplayer servers?

What are your favourite FPS games with active multiplayer servers?
Just built a new PC and looking at checking out the genre. I'm installing Call of Duty right now, never played any of them before. I played halo 2 a long time ago and I liked that a lot.

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TF2 if you want casual engaging gameplay
CS:GO if you want competitive and ranked gameplay
Every other good FPS game is dead.

both are games for retards lmao kys if you play either or both

Name a good active FPS then, and don't say Quake 3 or UT04 because both are dead.

looking forward to the diabolical open beta

I played this on "the orange box" for PS3 at my friend's house. If the PC scene is active I'll check it out.
CS:GO looks good. Is this all objective based or is there a mode where I can just kill dudes?

>cod sale on steam
>cod4 mw remake still only getting 25% discounts

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TF2 has come a long way since 2007, it doesn't get updates often anymore, but a bunch of content was added previously.
CS:GO has deathmatch servers, but they're all community run.
The biggest problem with newer FPS games is they don't support community servers and custom maps. TF2 and CS:GO are echoes of a dead era, but are active because they're both free and pretty much unsurpassed.

Want to play and enjoy hell let loose but the text chat is so broken it's not even funny.
>open chat window
>write a word or two
>suddenly the chat locks my character
>all words are gone but the window is open
>can move but not look around
>have to be idle for 15 secs until the chat closes by itself

Who's going to play 20 eurobucks, let alone full price, just to play Blops 2's 7 hour campaign mode in 20 fucking 20?

Titanfall 2 isn't really super active, but it's one of the best shooters out there. You might just have to wait a minute or two to find a match. And it also comes with one of the best single player shooter campaigns in like the last decade.

still very active to this day if you want a more arcade feel
>Squad, Post Scriptum/Hell Let Loose
larger scale, more tactical and realism
good for CQC
Arma 3
final boss of mil sim autismo, big on customization/mods

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I don't want to EA money but I love the gameplay. World War 3 is preety dead. Does the base edition of BF4 offer a good enough package or I need to give them extra shekels for the DLC
Yuropoor here btw

Ultimate edition of BF4 gives you more maps and weapons if you got money to burn, otherwise you will find plenty of active servers with just the base game.
Reinstalled it this week, impressed how I still haven't unlocked all base weapons after 150 hours.

SQUAD which is basically hardcore Battlefield.

You better not fuck me user. I wanna dab on Chinks using a G3 Im CQC while moving fast as fuck boooi

I thought the new CoD looked cool, might be fun to play the BR mode with some friends
But then I saw
>175GB install size
Jesus CHRIST what in the absolute FUCK
Why in the ever-loving FUCK does it need to be that fucking huge? I thought DOOM2016 was bloated as fuck but this new CoD is literally more than twice the size of that
Seriously what THE FUCK there is absolutely NO REASON FOR THIS

>early access
>released 2015
that's gonna be a no from me, sir.

BF4 doesn't have a G3
and 7.62mm weapons were nerfed to require an extra bullet to kill in close range

>I’m installing call of duty right now
Fuck off nigger

Metal Gear Online 3 if you have MGSV and don't mind that it has a 3rd person view

it's even more infuriating when you have a trash team in Squad, and you can do even less than in BF games to alleviate it

But that game is super dead

no one plays the remaster online

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Yeah it kind of is but it has kind of a cult following, you can usually find a game in "Select Match" (on PC anyway)

Just uninstall some other games, goy.
Like battlefield that is a much bigger game but only 60 GB :^)

What I wrote, my dude.
Not giving the game a high discount by now is just taking a shit on players and the devs.

BF4 without the DLC is only like 30 GB

it's activision, they don't give a shit about anything except money

COD kiddy
Play TF2, Quake Champions or CS GO
Those are your only options

I'm white, grew up in a very strict household. My friends always played call of duty and I'm gonna try it too.

I hope you enjoy it. It's quite fun.