Dev from THQ Nordic

I’m a Dev from THQ Nordic and I’m willing to leak some shit for you guys

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are you my uncle?

How are the games looking?

kys nigger

Any news on properties bought from Novalogic? Any news on Delta Force, Joint Operations, etc.?

New Sacred game yes/no

Go on, gaylord



New kingdom come when?

They are looking good so far

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Have you heard any news from the other provinces?

New Red Faction game. Lets go

Not yet

Do you know anything about Timesplitters?
What plans have you guys got, if any, for Second Sight?



TimeSplitters remaster when?

Will you moderate my dubs

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Elex 2 when?
You own publish kc:d 2 as well?

Darksiders 4 anytime soon lad?

will bloodlines 2 be shit


oh shit are those Destroy All Humans remake files?


lol these files are public, nice bait

If you work on that game or know anyone who works on it you gotta put in some funny horse easter egg


>Space Marine 2:
Yes or no?

Does the Saucer handle like it did originally, or is it more like DAH2?

>reverse search didn't come up with anything

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destroy all humans got leaked yesterday, encryption key is already posted on the fourm.

please tell me that there is a new Red Faction game in development

Leak a level.


they don't own it, sega does


say anything you know about red faction for next-gen

>Dev from THQ Nordic
Imagine being such a brainlet that you fuck up in your VERY first sentence.

THQ Nordic is a publisher, not a developer.

Fuck off you larping faggot.

I have become the fool.

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I'd say the same
Still, OP is a fag


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that looks like Umodel you fucking retard

the demo is available for download literally anyone could rip the models from it

Ok go ahead

Oh. Though they got it, since THQ worked on the first.

You do realize the game was posted here entirely a few weeks back, right? You're just using umodel on it lmao.

will we ever get to play DNF 2001 build?

New Red Faction when, larper?

*Thought they acquired it.

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Whatcha got there, some kind of big gun?

carmageddon sequel when?

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Wheres mother 4?

hey give us a look at bikini bottom or scrapped stuff from Space Marine 2