

Attached: Old man. You WILL come with us.png (430x246, 259.45K)

>Fallout 2 has incredible C&C
>You can't join the Enclave

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uh oh


Who was in the wrong here?

You for not helping the Enclave do the right thing.

Their plan was retarded, there wouldn't be nearly enough humans to repopulate.

'cause you a mutant.

I just wanna genocide civies with my minigun while wearing aesthetic Enclave power armor.

Me too, pal. Me too.

>Get the G.E.C.K.
>"Shit, I hope my village doesn't backstab me like the Vault did in the last game."
>Enclave makes sure that doesn't happen.
>"God bless America."

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That's why the game is good. We shouldn't have been able to join the Legion in FNV. The game would have been better overall. Fact.

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>the first fallout game to ever allow you to join the enclave is 76
not that anyone here would have known

>Less choice good
>More choice bad
Despite the Legion being rushed cause of Bethesda kikes, it's still very much a worthy addition.
A game that allows you to join the "bad" guys (Caesar did nothing wrong) should always get props for it.
Overall, pretty weak bait user, but there's your (You).

why was the BOS absent in FO2?

They weren't. They just had minimal presence.

Too bad it just only AI.

Because the focus was on Vault City, Enclave and NCR.

chris avellone is one of those people who somehow manage to write well in spite of wanting to get in his own way of writing interesting shit
kind of amazing, if you really think about it

>We shouldn't have been able to join the Legion in FNV

No one ever joins the Legion anyway other than once out of curiosity.

>rushed because of Bethesda kikes

Look I love NV the best out of all the FO games but you have to admit Obsidian accepted the 18 months from the start and were pretty terrible at scoping the project wholesale. They wasted time trying to make Ghoul and Super Mutant starts and trying to program ending varibles on the game map for literally every single outcome among many other things.

Not to mention they fucked up the memory allocation on the EXE which is why we've had a soft 130ish plugin limit until legit less than a month ago when a modder finally managed to break the limit so its 255 like all the other games.

I know it's not really an excuse, but the Legion was planned to be more fleshed out. There's still merit to the Legion path, it's just buried. And if those tweets are real, I'm a little disappointed to see Avellone say that the Legion has no redeeming qualities, especially when contrasted with the NCR.

>because it has no redeeming qualities
Isn't that a matter of opinion? Clearly some people wanted to join the Legion, therefore from their perspective it did have redeeming qualities.

Virgin Avellone vs Chad Sawyer

Suddenly I want to rewatch A Boy and His Dog. Thanks, OP.

I don’t get why most on Zig Forums really like the Enclave. They’re pretty run-of-the-mill edgy bad guys

You're right in that Obsidian did agree to a time frame and should be held to that, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they had no clue what they were getting into with that engine.

>Less is more

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Thoose bitches deserve it.

Worst thing about the game though?
There's never any reason to not tag Small Guns, and then later you can switch over to either Energy or Big Guns.
I've played through the game like 3 times, and not once did I think
>Maybe I should go unarmed or melee weapons
Was I in the wrong?

Why ask a question you know the answer to?

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>I don’t get why most on Zig Forums really like the Enclave
>They’re pretty run-of-the-mill edgy bad guys

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I did an unarmed/throwing build for 2. It is well worth it.

Yeah cause melee and unarmed are perfectly viable.