Why is it that all the other girls are given a fair chance at being the topic for a regular discussion...

Why is it that all the other girls are given a fair chance at being the topic for a regular discussion, yet the mere moment Ann is posted she's instantly flooded with horrible remarks on what she isn't and is treated no differently from piece of meat? Why Ann? Why?

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People hate excessively pretty girls, especially other women. Life's easy mode is being a 7-8/10 woman with an outgoing thot personality. 10/10 women unironically have it harder.

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I want to sexually choke Ann while raping her


because you suffer from selective perception

Because Ann is spammed here constantly and it's really fucking annoying.

Also she's for Ryuji

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Because she's just an onahole

Because she is the nigger of the cast.
The minority stand in, that gets fawned over by a model agency just for the fact she has a different race.

She is a slut, the personas 5 tifa

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Because the fanbase are a bunch of insecure fags with no taste. Ann best girl.

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Because you waifufags keep posting her like she's something special when she's just another fapbait anime character.

They act just like that fussy whore who tried to wreck Ann's modelling career

>Hottest girl of all the cast
>Has great fashion sense
>Only girl that canonically would have a great ass (sorry makoto fags but she's asian so cope)
>Western mindset
>Dumb (wont start arguments because "muh woman opinion")
>Would let you take the lead of the relationship

Do I need to say more? She's the perfect girl for an alpha male like me.

Why do you hate pretty girls so much user? who hurt you?

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Reminder that Ann would hate all Annfags because they just like her body, the exact kind of people she doesn’t like.
>n-no, I like how she’s kind and sweet
Then you would’ve gone with Haru.

Haru's the blandest thing ever created. The only reason people like her is because they're contrarians and she was the least popular at release. It's Fuuka all over.

I recognize those...

Depends, I said she was sweet. Not the sweetest. I dont want diabetes thank you.


>Reminder that Ann would hate all Annfags because they just like her body, the exact kind of people she doesn’t like.

Like how much of a retard you'd have to be to tell a hot girl that all you are interested in about her is her body? Looks are what people notice first, as long as you dont make it the only thing you care about its fine to enjoy a fine couple of tits an ass. Ann being smoking hot its just a bonus in my book.

They all get something to that effect, if you post Makoto you get beep boop and ruined the group dynamic, if you post Futaba you get imagine the smell and bazinga and if you post Haru you get who? and who? It's just shitposting.

Anne is the love of my life.
I dunno it's upsets me but all you can do is try to ignore it.

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It's very ironic that you say this then use the most superficial way of comparing Anne to Haru when they're not even remotely similar.

Haru's pleasant and has a lot of charming dialogue. She's not even my favorite girl of the group, but she's plenty likable.

All Persona 5 girls are massively shit and appeal to the LCD. But Ann is especially boring and a "WAHHH IM SO GOOD LOOKING NO ONE LIKES ME" even though that makes no fucking sense she should have a thousand simps at her disposal

I love Fuuka!

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>not a tsundere so she's bland

Fuck off neckbeard

Japan doesn’t work that way you stupid fucking retard. Her being blonde makes her look like a whore in Japan’s eyes.

Ann's great, but what about Ohya?

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I was completely with you until you combined "alpha male like me" and "who hurt you?"

your zipper is down and we can see your tiny pecker