World Of Horror

New update with new mystery, enemies and ending dropped recently. Get in here, boys.

Attached: WOH.png (1332x712, 24.28K)

wtf are these graphics? is this a game lmao

Does the dev draw everything by himself?

>Mushroom zombies
Is the dev serious

Yeah, pretty much.

It's been a trope for decades. One of the earliest examples off the top of my head was Matango.

superbased and work-in-progress pilled
yes. literally one potato squatting faggit.
Lovecraft meets Junji Ito in 1980's anime OVA running on PC-98.
There is a free demo available if you are interested.

>zoomer doesn't understand any game that isn't "EXTREME 3D WITH BIG TITS HURRHURR"
As expected.

I mean, he is good but the lack of shading is a bit unsettling in a not good way horror wise

??? there are literally dozens of different shading modes in the options to choose from

There are different shading modes. The pic in OP is an example of one.

Attached: EXR71xjWsAEIYeu.png (1199x641, 47.19K)

New ending is another doggo one, as it turns out. There are treats involved.

>Lovecraft meets Junji Ito in 1980's anime OVA running on PC-98.
Best description I've seen in a while.

There are no shades in the architecture. It's bit unnatural.

I still don't quite understand. I take it you mean the art style itself, for which the dev has settled?

Anyway, call me a fucking $hill but this is my personal GOTY 2020 so far. I understand it's not for everyone, but I personally love it.

It's excellent for a project being made by literally just one guy.

Still waiting on Galaxy of Horror next

Yeah, the flatness is not very horror inducing. A bunch of pc98 art have great shading

It's based on Junji Ito. 'Unnatural' is the name of the game here, my guy.

Attached: WOH_Screenshot_4-800x400.png (800x400, 243.72K)

>"Muh shading"

What happened to the original screen with the drifting car?

Attached: 5c0.jpg (2000x3000, 672.66K)

>bean giant eyeball

Already played it, dont care enough to install it again

did the new update reset progress/cheevos etc for anyone else?

Don't bully Yolazth

nvm the game just doesn't use steam cloud? i did format a few weeks ago

I'm very interested in this game but I'm waiting for the finished version

Is it worth it playing now and not the full experience?

It does, I had a hard drive loss and it kept my saves.

odd i don't see the option to disable or enable it for this in properties like for other games

I thought he stopped and dropped this after he got bullied here/

Attached: worldofhorror 2020-03-08 22-46-15-19.png (1332x712, 25.6K)

Damn, this game get updated often. I haven't even played since before the last update.

>bullied here
i've see a few threads about the game and thought it was generally appreciated

>after he got bullied here/
take your meds. he is /ourguy/

It's playable and has a lot of content. Most of the updates are now just adding more enemies, quests, and fixing bugs. It's designed to be played over and over again with different things happening, so it suits an early access game well.

I said he was bullied and the threads stopped. Do all you think is buzzwords?

It's been on a constant uptick in content updates since release.