Who do you want in smash?

Who do you want in smash?

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Not whatever travesty that is

Daft punk

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Perfect pass coming through

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Hell nah nigger

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I want to be in smash. What will my moveset be, bros?

those were iffy
swap either of em out with 2B

Vic Viper

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The Android robot.
Don't know what his moveset would be though

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>specials are big time faggotry moves
>alt skin is souljak

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A shared slot with every Mortal Kombat ninja

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Too bad MK is banned in nipland

>posting this shit taste list again

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>Master chief
Blocks your path

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just gimme one, please

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The classic games weren't banned

6 new Fire Emblem characters


judge me

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Put em in.

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Based and TOASTYpilled.

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awful choice

cringe, his games are absolute shit
>Shovel Knight
doesn't deserve it, should stay an assist trophy
good but i'd rather see another sonic hero like Shadow tails or knuckles first than a villain
oh no!

Based Selvaria Chad. Id prefer Alicia but whatever

Thats a really dogshit pass. You only chose 4 of them just for porn and waifu shit. Also replace Junko with Monokuma.

You posted this yesterday

Do anyone but NPCs even still play this game?
This is the fourth time you've made this thread and smashfags must hang

I've only looked at porn for 2 of them you nigger

The only person I really want now is Travis Touchdown, but something like Team Fortress would also make me lose my shit.

Junko or the Ultimates would be better than Monokuma

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You first.

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Good list.

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I'm counting the days

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>people only like porn, there is no way people can actually enjoy games and want to see them represented

You could just justify make it a combo of Monokuma and Junko. Monokuma is the mascot of the series so it just makes sense to have him. He easily work as a mii gunner outfit.

Of course Junko would use monokuma
That's what I thought would happen in the first place. Yeah she can't use him for all her attacks but at least her specials would be gaurneteed to use him

There's only one character who objectively deserves to be in smash

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Sorry, but when my entire knowledge of those characters is dweebs posting waifu related or lewd images of them here instead of posting about their games, that's gonna be what I think.

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Never ever

Cleary you don't browse this site then. Only character that really has that happen in the list is 2B

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spoken like a true stevefag

actual gameplay

Pretty happy with what I have tbqh

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I'm looking forward to the return of his mii costume that comes with a remix of Forrest Maze.
Maybe the costume would be updated to be more in line with the Sans and Cuphead masks.

Every time

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He may never be in Smash, but he'll always be in your head.

Nah Touhou has decent amounts of waifu posting, but it does get actual gameplay discussion unlike some games on this board

He's in Character slot #3

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The next Pokemon rep is here.

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