ITT: deaths in vidya that still get to ya

ITT: deaths in vidya that still get to ya

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Don't shake the lightbulb

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Half as long.....

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in water ending for silent hill 2

Zeke man ;_;

Pretty much the only decent scene in that shitpile of a game

Shame the rest of the seasons fucking sucked, aside from Kenny in S2

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Vesimir, I thought i could avoid it so i felt guilt that it happened, the emotional impact still sticks with me...

It having at least one scene helps at least, there are so many shitload of fuck games that don't even have that now.

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How powerful and strong!

or Papalymo or Eda as a character for Lyse or Ysayle and whats going to be Crystal Exarch. I didn't even care about him in Crystal Tower quest line

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Honest to God, the betrayal in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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lol, am I supposed to feel something in a B-Movie? If your writing is B-Movie level and you wanna be emotional, you are retarded... this series is fucking dumbster fire

Conquest ending in Neptunia mk2/Rebirth 2

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Crono's death always makes me shed a tear or two when you go in his house and the doll is just standing there with his mother.

Why did lines suddenly appear under him?

>People still weeping over a fucking brainlet wannabe knight and not Ysayle
This is why I hate the XIV community, you came into Ishgard as a person who likely KILLED FUCKING BAHAMUT why the FUCK would this little dipshit try to take the equivalent of a nerfed lightning spear from DS3 for you? You could've eaten the spear, laughed, and pissed on the Vault's drapes and there is NOTHING they could've done about it because you're a self-insert with massive amounts of power and plot armor. FUCK Harchefaunt.

this. is actually the only thing that i remember about this game besides thinking that it would work better as a shooter

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Zepherin was level 60

Because he was your friend.

it still hurts

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Texture pop-in, behold the glory of console gaming

Nigga that knife-ear ain't my fucken friend NEVER TRUST AN ELF

Yeah and I have Hallowed Ground your point?

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uuh sweetie? this is Zig Forums, you gotta post on

I still feel bad for every player 2 in Gears.

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Technically he dies twice. In Halo CE legendary ending.

Of all the things to rip off why the fuck did they think ripping off The Walking Dead was a good idea

forgot spoiler

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When Reaver shot him, I wanted to absolutely kill that fucker. And then the game just brushes over his death like it's supposed to be a funny joke.
I didn't give shit when the game killed my wife, but killing this dude who has been helping me since childhood, and has been nice through all of the adventure, that made me fucking mad.

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You're the worst type of faggot.
You're the type to play an obnoxious dwarf murderhobo in D&D because you're scared of being taken seriously lest you be judged.
I guarantee you have several deus vult memes saved, you NIGGER

Seethe more, you can leave that title on for the rest of the game's life but it won't bring back that stupid wannabe knight.