This game doesn't look that bad

This game doesn't look that bad

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musty jew pits make me hard

Whoops I made two threads, post in the other TLoU thread I made, sorry guys

And you couldn't have posted this in any of the other 15 TLOU threads... why?

If the gameplay is good i might buy it

They really don't want anyone to like the game

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imagine the smell

Someone post the caramelldansen video you know which one


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Fuck that's brutal

>I feel so bad for the owner who trained his dog to bite off my dick :(
Deep AF bros.

Wtf did I just read, its like an attempt at being edgy, but instead it falls flat and comes off as obnoxious.

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I don't want to kill any doggos, hopefully there will be trophy against killing them in the campaign

>doesn't look that bad
No one talking about that. The plot is shit, retard

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>the average TLOU2 buyer

>is ok to kill wommyn but not doggos.

Played college golf you know,

>Coping this hard

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>takes the time to shave in an apocalypse
Is that more power or less power to you?

When the leaks first came out and even normies were hating it and cancelling their preorders it was one of the happiest days of my life. I felt we had won the generation even if we lost the sales battle, that snoy was finished after it, but after the last trailer I'm starting to lose hope. I feel normies are warming up to try it. Even here people stopped memeing it so much after it. Fuck snoy for misleading people with a nice looking trailer. The game will still be a fucking movie. I wish snoy could just disappear. Their existence makes gaming a miserable experience and they fucking refuse to just die. Fuck this gay earth.


money in make pocket doesn't look bad either

>no wild armpit hair
Not brave enought.

Could've gone pro if I hadn't cut my balls off

I take pleasure in knowing Joel at least killed their scum bag leader before taking off with their cure. Joel got the last laugh in the end, humanity will most likely die out with a whimper.

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>kill a dog



Attached: LoU2 Nobel Prize in Literature Contender.webm (720x424, 2.85M)

The nose knows

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>dog wants me dead
>i kill him to save my life
>i should feel bad for the owner that trained the dog to kill people

yeah no

Why do they all shake their heads so much when they talk? Does this annoy anyone else?

Hold on here. HOLD ON!
Green surgical grown turn blue in second panel and surgical (nice)knife turn to scissor?
The hell is Abby seeing? Steroid overdose make you go crazy?

NaughtyDog's one true "white" knight

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>Sony fanboys thinks this looks good
>they think this is the peak of graphics this generation

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It's funny how japanese devs with a fraction of the budget can make much better looking games. Art is everything and anime truly is the peak aesthetic for character designs. They are so much cuter and iconic.

keep telling yourself that


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>anime truly is the peak aesthetic for character designs

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The Webm is sped up, so that's why they're all shaky. But uneccessary head movement is the telltale sign of a bad actor.

So you prefer playing with a tranny? Well, most people prefer to play with a cute girl. You're deluded if you think TLOU would have been a success if it hadn't been for the cuteness of Ellie and Sarah.

>shiny sameface copypasted PS3-tier shit = peak aesthetics

This is your brain on autism


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>doesn't kill the lesbian gf because they're not a cis white male and it'd be "problematic"
Who the fuck made this garbage

I can't believe this is the deal breaker for some people. You kill people all the time, but as soon as you have to put down a literal animal it's not ok anymore.

> i liked the gameplay they showed off and the story doesn't seem that bad to me

guess i should fuckin kill myself

Fug bros I just want to stick my tounge into that glorious shnoz through her nostrils

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>Not supposed to feel bad for Elli because Joel gets murdered
>Supposed to feel bad for Abigail because her dad got murdered
>Supposed to feel bad for these random fucks because their dog gets murdered
I don't understand


What kind of owner has a dog that goes smelling around and hunting down humans?
Aside of pitbull owners

More like in the course of seven years, nobody at Naughty Dog could be bothered to go back and replay play the first one for continuity sake.