What am in for?

In came in the mail a few days ago, but I wasn't able to play it due to the three day rule.

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>three day rule
The what? user, are you old enough to post on this board legally?

>scamstation shita
what the fuck nigga?

probably has something to do with the coronavirus in his state like dont touch your mail for 3 days or something like that


Ah, that makes sense.

it can stay alive longer for three days I thought? I have animal crossing coming it'll be more like a 3 second rule lol

Remember when gamestop had filler cases that actually looked kind of dope back in the 2000s?

i'm only guessing here, that was that or he's a cuck and cant play his new game till the wife say so

an easy platinum

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Yeah, those were the days.
I'vd been shopping at Gamestop for as long as I have been playing video games. Before you ask; yes, I was born in 2001.
Wow user, you can read. Congrats.

What the fuck is that case.

Nigger what the fuck?

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>3 day rule
explain yourself faggot

>Wow user, you can read. Congrats.

Not him but buying pre owned is retarded, just pirate the game at that point

I can provide some direct insight on this shit, because I also just started playing the vita version of muv luv. I haven't gotten to the 'real' content yet, I'm still stuck on the godawful excuse for a 'dating' vn where you're forced between choosing a self obsessed harpy that feels like you owe her your life because she exists and the exact same thing with a different coat of paint.
I know the reason why muv luv is considered good is the 'real' game, which you can play after beating the 2 main girls stories (or right off the bat on the vita version). But once I finished the purple bitches story, haven't felt even the tiniest iota to pick it up again, because it was genuinely one of the worst vn's i've ever played.

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>people still waste money at gamestop

It's actually muvluv but this op is a fag

i fell for the "you need to play extra" meme too years ago, it was so bad i dropped it 3 hours in.
Then i picked up the trilogy on PC and started with unlimited, it was a great read and i dont regret it

isnt this the all ages version? why not just moonlight the pc one?

>playing the vita version

way to prop up a shitty failing business, retard

Nigga, just wipe it all down with some disinfecting wipes

Look at what the other Anons said
No thanks.
I will buy from the company until they no longer exist. Every single game I own is from GameStop.
That's not the actual price. They didn't have the actual case and they couldn't give me the display case so they gave me a random one.
> But once I finished the purple bitches story, haven't felt even the tiniest iota to pick it up again, because it was genuinely one of the worst vn's i've ever played.
That's disappointing. I final bought Muv Luvd because of all the high praise Anons gave it.

Is it still possible to find new vitas somewhere for reasonable price? I'd rather not buy a preowned handheld that someone came over

>Look at what the other Anons said
What this user said? This is the only explanation right? There is no way anyone so absolutely fucking stupid as to wait 3 days to open a case because of corona would have the mental faculties to post on the internet right? I mean people know that desinfectant wipes exist and thats how they desinfect things from the outside

Amazon. That's where I got mine.
Seething more, Redditor. I have never had a bad experience with them and I have been a customer for years. Why would I stop supporting them now?

Sarscov2 stays alive on surfaces for 5 hours
t. biomedfag

No, you idiot. If it were the case, I would have something ninety-nine percent of Zig Forums poster don't have. I people in my house that are old and have weak immune systems.

the system was discontinued a while ago so new prices spiked up.

i feel bad for people who bought the one with the shitty lcd screen

a more expenisve way to play PSP games.

>they can survive on metal, glass and plastic for as long as nine days, unless they are properly disinfected. Some can even hang around for up to 28 days in low temperatures.
rest in peace your whole family

>go buy groceries
>have to wait 3 days for virus to magically disappear before bringing it inside the house
>food spoils

You are a fucking genius arent you have you never heard of alcohol? sanitizer? bleach? dozens of other disinfectant products? how are you keeping the people in your house safe when you are this retarded you waited 3 days before playing a shitty game then posted here holy shit

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It may depend on your patience, if you can suffer
(and I do mean suffer) through the two main storylines like you're """supposed""" to do before playing the good part, then it'll have a better impact. But if not, maybe just skip to the good stuff.

are you ready for the inevitable gamestop liquidation sales next year?

>playing the butchered and neutered version of Muv Luv
Is this bait or Zig Forums nowadays is just straight up casual and ignorant?

>buying ps vita games

if you're gonna buy physical why not make sure to get one with a nice case? vita cases take up so little space anyway.