So the ending of uncharted 4 features this sword fighting section...

So the ending of uncharted 4 features this sword fighting section, where you parry and dodge based on telegraphed attacks--and it's actually good.
If ND is capable of making actually well designed games, why is everything they make cinematic garbage? A sword fighting game with similar mechanics would actually be good.

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what retards, it's pronounced 'sword'


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Uhhh it wasn't that good it was annoying and gay. Weakest end to any Uncharted game.

naughty dog makes good games that get shit on because they have a story, and Zig Forums is literally retarded.

also the niggress just getting away is stupid

The conclusion itself was kind of meh, but the sword fight was really well done i think.

every uncharted had a shitty ending, at least 4 has closure to all of it. the story was overall better executed than the rest too

tired this once and its awful and not fun. Haven't gone back to finish it since, never will.

The first iota of anything that could be considered remotely challenging in this game makes you rage quit.

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>naughty dog makes good games
their last good game is like 20 years old you fucking retard

>have ultra casual game
>end boss has retard new mechanics that actually require you to try.
No thanks. I was just playing out of boredom swinging around nice levels

>implying crash bandicoot wasn't shit.

Shut up cunt.

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That shit isn’t fun, naughty dog fan boys are the worst

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Their gameplay-cinematics ratio isn't any worse than in any other game. People only call them movies because they have the budget to make the cinematic looks nice. People are deluded if they think japanese games make the cinematics clunky on purpose to have more soul or whatever. If they had the money they would take the same approach, which they do when they actually have the budget. Look at their AAA games.


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The thing about it is that it's the same pattern over and over.
Should have just been a random pattern on Crushing or whatever the hardest mode in that game is.

more кoт


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You know there's more to a game being like a "movie" than just the number of cutscenes it has right? The fact that the games are absolutely stuffed full of scripted events and everything outside of the combat is 100% braindead (the combat itself being 90% braindead) is a much bigger factor.

You should play more games and understand how they're actually structured instead of being like
>this game good graphics!
>this game many cutscenes!

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3 you mean

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Literally said that ND makes cinematic trash, and that the actual game mechanics are the exception.