There are people who never played this browsing Zig Forums RIGHT NOW

>there are people who never played this browsing Zig Forums RIGHT NOW

Attached: AA2 title.png (1280x720, 1.89M)

What's it about

>make characters
>throw them in a class
>pick one of them to play as
>interact with the others
>fuck cute girl(or boys if you are into that)
>watch AI-controlled students fuck around
That's it.

Attached: yes and.jpg (105x182, 15.2K)

Go fix that

Played it for a month after release and have no desire to ever return to it.
I don't understand the autists who meme it into some kind of Illusion masterpiece, even AG3 has more elaborate mechanics and AI interactions.

Attached: Untitled-6.jpg (1920x1080, 385.5K)

it's a good time to replay it. Ever heard about AAUnlimited?

Im gonna do some posing, ask me shit about the game to keep me entertained

Attached: fags.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

AA2 is better. IIRC, AA1 doesn't have proper lesbian sex, it's all dildos.

It doesn't have vr and the fanboys of this coom game got mad when people asked about things in the game.

I played Koikatsu instead

Imagine having to chase around girls in a video game to have sex with them. That’s the AA experience.

>start another game a few days ago with some new cards I got
>praise stopped working after the third or so time regardless of the time of day
>resetting does nothing
anyone ever had this before?

how do we know when the statue is telling the truth and not being a faggot?

Attached: 1587326779622.jpg (598x662, 85.17K)

I made a list of every hot girl I know and all my old girlfriends and modeled them and their personalities in this game. Good fucking times

no I haven’t, please tell me more

This is AA2, user.

Ask me or anything. I might call you a faggot

You mean AA2 but with ugly frog mouths and a "story" no one gives a shit about?

Waiting for aa3 with more content

i waifud all the girls in the class and they wouldnt stop following me and starting a convo literally every second so i uninstalled

>or boys if you are into that
go on...

... Whoops. I didn't see the 2 in the image because my mind smooshed it into the moonrunes.

>I made a list of every hot girl I know and all my old girlfriends and modeled them and their personalities in this game.
I thought I was the only one who did this
we niggas now

How do I set up a girl so I can ryona the shit out of her and she doesn't fight it much?

A free "expansion" of AA2 that introduces many new things such as the ability to create custom traits and greatly expands the character maker: more info on the vg general cause it's a lot of shit to type out.

You deserve it for cheating you fuck.
There's a toggle to disable interruptions

>""""upgrade"""" to window 10
>japanese locale stopped working
>game runs like shit now
how the fuck do i fix this

Attached: 1540936152766.jpg (580x548, 34.21K)

It always tells the truth, but it's multiple truths at once. Click it, leave, then click it again like 10 times and get a general feeling of what someone thinks about you.

You can also fuck boys both while playing as a boy or a girl.

Masochist trait, low strength and maybe there are some AAU modules too for that.

win10fix in AAU. Also AA2mini is the new standard now: comes with AAU, it's smaller, much easier to install and doesn't require any locale

All I want to do is use stereoscopy in the game through vr. I've hacked it into unity games myself but it takes time and generally has some flipping and care to not break things. I wanted to ask if there has been any vr mods for the camera in this. I know other illusion games do but the people in these threads are always so snarky that I've never gotten a clear answer and I never bothered to even look it up myself since I have illusion games that DO have it(although the official vr always sucks massive dog dick).

enable win10fix in scripts

i followed the guide on /vg/ but the characters still looked kinda shitty but ive seen screenshots of peoples characters looking pretty good, did i do something wrong or was it cause i was just playing the default characters

I wish I had the autism to put up with it. Using the provided characters feels cheap and I don't have the patience to make a whole class.
Also coming back from syoujyo, holy shit the character creator is clunky.

>how do we know when the statue is telling the truth and not being a faggot?
There's a total of 4 possible ratings at once a character can give to another

The answer is No.
Also AA2 isn't Unity

Can you give me an example screenshot? All I can think of is either wrong renderer in the win10fix, wrong wined3d settings or you aren't using anti-alias for some reason

already deleted the game a while back but kind of want to reinstall. also it ran like shit even with the win10fix or w/e.

Can’t you just use a locale emulator? It works for me.

Thanks for the finally clear answer. The question now is. Would it be worth my time to hack some 3d pov into the game......I don't know how good the spicy non simulator content is.