First time dark sours

What do you think?

Attached: DarkSoulsRemastered_Ayisp6BDqo.jpg (2562x1486, 776.01K)

stats won't make that much of a difference

Give him a retarded shrek face

>no master key

Those trash remastered armor textures...

people who reply like you need to die out already

Starting out as anything is pretty good. If you're uncertain, points in Endurance are not wasted until abour 40 or so. Endurance lets you have more stamina and wear heavier shit so it's good for any character.

>no tiny beings ring

What kind of retard says no to health regen?

It's good that you have shield on your first playthrough. Other than that, it doesn't really matter how you start out.

you are never going to use goddess blessing or you are going to misuse it also protip you can outrun most enemies maddash with a low soul count into areas and see if you can get high teir loot

>people who reply like you need to die out already

>Other than that, it doesn't really matter how you start out.
Unless you want to cheese the first few bosses with pyromancy.

>people who reply like you need to die out already

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i will never take it back

You can kill the first few bosses with items you find in the level, like gold pine resin and black firebombs. Even Asylum Demon can just be swept away by black firebombs so you can start the game quickly.

if you kill the aslyum demon without going through the gate you get his weapon that is very powerful even if you are underleved and cant use it properly you just gotta time attacks and youll be fine

Play full screen, retard.

I am doing this nigga 2 damage

Attached: DarkSoulsRemastered_iS0L272BNe.jpg (2560x1440, 565.56K)

he's a filter. kill him, fren


>Very Slim

You actually listened to , lol.

Attached: oamldeewedud.jpg (1919x2260, 406.91K)

>very slim
>only does 2 damage
no wonder


oh wait does physique matter? lol

>having a white bar at the top of the screen at all times when playing a dark game

not even

hey, you could always learn magic
did you go "big head"?

physique doesn't matter at all.

Haha look at this guy, he picked the small head physique.


kill you're self

You know Dark Souls is supposed to be a hard game of trial and error, right? Just keep trying, you’ll get his move-set remembered quickly and then it’s just a matter of avoiding and keeping hits in like a dance.

>not astora noble
>just a commoner
Loling at your life rn

I bet he's going to turn tail and flee the graveyard if he can't even beat the tutorial lol

If you have the patience for it you can shoot off the red wyvern's tail with about 200 arrows. You will gain a powerful early game sword that helps mitigate your otherwise pitiful damage in the first few zones.
Don't forget to use plunging attacks on tough bosses and enemies, you'll do loads of critical damage.
Don't go into the graveyard off the main hub until you're higher level/have a strong weapon
Don't go into the ghost realm beneath the main hub until you're stronger/have some transient curse items

have fun paying your fucking tithe, you fairy
Is a man not entitled to the souls of his kills? I choose different. I choose Catarina.

don't listen to the trolls, you're not supposed to kill that monster yet, go to the door to you left

>You know Dark Souls is supposed to be a hard game
Not trying to trudge up this age-old argument, but it's not supposed to be especially hard. Go play like any older platformer especially like NES/SNES era. It's as difficult as any video game is supposed to be. I would argue that most modern games are dumbed down and impossible to fail.

yeah, this lol
spend everything on arrows and go piss off the dragon lmao

Why do you need validation to start a new game?

>doing the speedrunners tactic of running passed everything and not killing thing
>on your first playthrough

Did you find your sword or are you still using the broken sword

Did they ever release a mod that fixed it, because remastered does objectively run better and is more stable for sure than old modded dark souls ptde.

dont do this and use those souls to buy upgrade materials instead
speaking of
upgrading your weapon is literally more important then anything else in the game and i would just go watch a guide on how it works desu
it can be kind of confusing at the start but it will make or break your run
forgot about upgrading your armor that is semi useful but not really worth it. and think about buying the repair kit and weapon upgrade kit from the first blacksmith you will find

it's a bad item if you play for the first time

Resistance is the most important stat.

yeah, yeah, gramps, I know all about how you walked to school, uphill both ways
no need to tell me

>Clunky slow movements
>Awful graphics
>Terrible animations, sounds and UI

I got memed

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lawl at your life

stop it

oh this is a bait thread
i get it now.

>push my luck and try to upgrade a common longsword to +5
>have to swing my way out of blighttown with a fucking torch when it obviously breaks

You know it's shit like this that makes me wonder why people view speedrunners as the "last word" on whether something is balanced or not. These fuckers don't even play the get the intended way by the devs, not do they even stay in bounds most of the time in games. That's not to say the whole "hardcore" crowd claiming that you have to be naked with a dagger to be pro should be listened to either, but it's especially egregious when people put speedrunners on a pedestal like that.

thats why i said you should think about buying a repair kit

i am 27

b..but SOUL, user! all the jank is GOOD!

You can run around the grave yard and loot everything without having to touch a skeleton?

piss off, there's no reason to minmax on your first playthrough

And I forgot to mention I have to idea who were those dragons or monsters and why they were fighting, and who I was,

I don't know, you tell me.

>If you have the patience for it you can shoot off the red wyvern's tail with about 200 arrows. You will gain a powerful early game sword that helps mitigate your otherwise pitiful damage in the first few zones.
don't do this, it's a waste of time. get the claymore underneath the drake instead

So you are aged beyond your years instead of wise? A pity.

Use English.