Why is this such a hated Zelda game on Zig Forums?
Why is this such a hated Zelda game on Zig Forums?
because we've have gotten to the stage were most children on Zig Forums grew up with twilight princess and throw hissy fits since WW is the better game.
Because Zig Forums is filled with edgy zoomer that hate the artstyle. Personally, it's on my top 5 Zelda games, alongside TP and MM.
It's not abject shit, just the worst of the 3D Zeldas. Still like a 6/10 but I'd play almost any other entry in the series before it.
>edgy zoomer that hate the artstyle
The complaints about the art style on here are absolutely nothing compared to the fury that was raging on the internet circa 2002.
Also Wind Waker is a blatantly unfinished game.
It's the Zelda cycle.
When a Zelda games comes out, it's the best ever.
Two years later, it's cool to hate, but popularly still well-regarded.
Five years later, it's bad, possibly the worst ever.
Ten years later it's "obviously flawed but ambitious and misunderstood" and you need to watch this 3-hour video essay on it.
Fifteen years later it's boomer shit, nobody cares about it anymore, be real.
I really like the first half! I get tuckered out though towards the second half though.
unfinished shit with terrible "overworld"
i rather have another like that than other BotW.
because of trash design such as this
the cellshaded game graphics. the world seems dead in a boat.
cdi shit aside it was the first zelda game that was less than great
What the fuck was Aonuma thinking?
True. Good on you for acknowledging Zelda II.
You may have forgotten this but Zelda dungeons got increasingly more and more retard-proof with the years.
Because this is the worst board. Yes, even worse than Zig Forums.
because it's amazing, unlike oot which is shit and poo tier
Zelda II and MM are both mediocre at best, WW is easily better than both
That's not the Zelda cycle you retarded newfag.
>new Zelda is shit
>old Zelda is good
>new Zelda comes out
>old game is now good; new game is shit.
It's been a while since I played it, Was it like that on the GCN version?
SS and BOTW broke the cycle anyway.
SS is still hated while BOTW is still praised.
Skyward sword is such a piece of shit it’s almost impressive how bad it is
Still SEETHING after 9 years?
Some people actually think that "pretty visuals" can save this game.
It was great but felt rushed in the second half and the triforce hunt was bullshit padding that forced you to explore almost every island unless you had a guide. Also the obvious cut content and lack of dungeons. And starting off with a forced stealth dungeon? Fuck off.
It’s a bad game
They really do think the game itself is on par with the art design itself.
>final boss requires soul calibur challenge mode skills to beat
Fuck that shit.
oh no no no no
if only they had replaced the cut content in the second half. i always get burned out when it comes to the triforce hunt.
Because it's 1/3 of a finished game with the latter 2/3 being mostly filler and recycled content. Reminder that by the time you get to the second dungeon you've seen EVERY major island with a significant overworld portion. In what universe is that acceptable? Also, it was the beginning of nu-zelda artstyle. And that's a bad thing.
The whole game also felt way too short. I'm pretty sure I beat Ganon in one shot, too. One nice thing about the game is that the story felt properly paced.
Fuck no.
>botw in "awful" tier, under fucking spirit tracks
t. contrarian
I’ve found that it depends on the time of day. Europeans absolutely HATE the GameCube in general so if you post about it during prime Euro hours, you’ll get a lot of shit.
That is definitely a delusion. WW has some of the absolute blandest dungeons in the series, it doesn't even try to use its sea in an engaging manner until the second half, and the pacing is so fucking off that they take away your sword 10 minutes after you get it, not to mention how badly executed the original Triforce quest was. Even then, the fixes HD makes are mere band-aids compared to what the game actually needed.