This is powerful

This is powerful

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also kill their dogs

Why does Druckman enjoy watching girls being beaten to near death?

whoa... powerful

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>oh my god I just killed some pixels I'm crying
fuck off retards

Beat-em-ups have been doing this since forever


Joseph, Donovan, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

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They're really doubling down on the whole FEEL BAD ABOUT KILLING DIGITAL PEOPLE thing huh? It's going to be pretentious as fuck.

Feel bad for what? For people that were trying to kill me?

Wonder if this feature even made it in or if it’s yet another thing they cut.

He's a feminist. And like every feminist man,they are usually abusers.

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The game makes me feel bad in general.

>names that I forget in a few seconds

dude what
beat em ups in the 90s did that
I squashed those assholes with even more gusto

fuck off clyde

fuck Galsia

I’ve been naming the people I kill in videogames since goldeneye.

Fucking Undertale did it better in 2016, and it didn't give the enemies names. Garbage tier writing.

I've already forgotten the names of the real people I've killed

Who the hell is buying this LGBT far left liberal propganda piece shit really.

No matter how good gameplay I rather slit my throat then buy this propganda shit.

are there going to be pacifist options?
or will the game force you to kill everything and then call you a bad person for being told what to do

Personally I'm hyped to club everyone to death and yell "FUCK YOU PETER/JOHN/DAVID/INGRID/JAMES/TIMOTHY/SARAH/BRANDON" until i die

The pilot of the show Community makes fun of this concept, it's cheap writing. That aired in 2009, so the game is already at least 11 years dated.

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I don't see how putting a name to the murderous bandits and cult members who would gladly torture Ellie is supposed to make me feel bad for them.


So like beat em up games.
No body cares. NPCs are made to get killed like the IRL ones.

>I have to bring my political opinions into every conversation, regardless of whether or not the topic is political
And yet you complain about politics saturating vidya

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MGS2 did it


Fuck bros, now it will feel like I'm murdering real people...that's so fucked up...

Yakuza has been doing that for years

Didn't they do this in GTAV and GTAO where you'd kill an enemy and you'd hear all the other enemies around him call out for him and say stuff like "He's hit!" and "Man down!"?

Good. It makes the job of making tombstones easier.

You don't kill anyone in Yakuza though

This game did it before

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I hope they don’t have a tranny as a daughter

Why theyre so hellbent into making us feel miserable for playing a fucking video game

They think that does anything? A mob is a mob. Based case in point

>immersion breaking UI elements

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Yup, sure going to feel bad killing Joseph Elstein and Herschel Lobowichz.

>Noooooooo, Mr gooooombaaaaaaaa

Names are for friends.

Let's not beat around the bush and pretend that stabbing people with street needles in Yakuza 0, during the 80's isn't some kind of life ruining.

How would that even work? Do you get some hall of fame after game? Or do you just see names when looting.

>someone tries to kill you
>kill them instead

Fuck this kind of bullshit. This is straight up demoralization propaganda. They kill off characters have attached lots of emotion and identity to, forcing people who invested a lot of feelings and energy into them to watch as those characters suffer, killing off those hopes and passions inside. This entire game is designed to get in your heart and your head and fuck with you and make you feel despair and hopelessness, just like what they did to Star Wars by taking idolized heroes and breaking them down in front of your eyes, killing everything they stood for inside you. This game needs to bomb, video games should not turn into another demoralization tool. They should just be video games.

This is powerful

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>name them
>measly enemies to be killed off
Literally useless. What the fuck is the PR department at Sony doing?

>saving a young girl's life is bad

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>game that has 90% of its barebones systems revolve around combat tells me shooting people is bad.


Exactly what I was thinking.

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Bandits had names and could talk to you in morrowind


>Kill a guy
>"OH NO THEY GOT [Male bandit name #12]"

I want to fuck Pinky

>you have just killed a kind and loving papa

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Morrowind did that. I don't think it had any effect at all. Who remembers the names of the bandits in the first dungeon near Seyda Neen?

>diablo 2 gives npc's names to make you feel bad

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The game will be bad like most of their games. But if they can make you "feel" something alot of stupid people will say its good because stupid people automatically think if something triggered their fee fees is must be some enlightening godlike experience regardless of mechanics/level design.

Big deal, Morrowind did this shit ages ago. You could also find the family tombs related to Dunmer NPCs since you could see their last names.

>mario you maniac

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Druckmann is one of the few people outside of Hideo Kojima that actually elevate video games to actual ART. Sony is one of the last game companies to actual give a shit about the artform.

tendies mad.

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That's actually a pretty cool idea.


Not the same thing. Those names belong to enemy types demonstrating their gameplay abilities.


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>omg look at how much we humanize the bad guys... really makes you think
Funny coming from the corporation that makes its wageslaves binge snuff films for more epicer gore

>game doesn't give you any gameplay choices
>it's all your fault goyim you should feel bad about your actions now

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>tfw you killed Bred
I miss him bros

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>Man this is so powerful dude they like have names and attack me I can't even pull the trigger like 10/10 bets gaem
>I just committed war crimes against unnamed civvies in order to fit in with a terrorist's gang
Who did it better, Zig Forums?

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>No, don't feel bad about Joel dying, can't you see, he deserved it, he killed the trannie's father!
>No, feel bad about killing people, it doesn't matter that they're trying to kill you, you don't know what they've been through!

Art has a message. What the fuck's the message of TLOU2? Don't try and rescue your friends from being tricked into death, because that might piss off a tranny who will beat you to death with a golf club? How about you let me play that fight with Joel, instead of telling me to just acceot that he didn't shoot "her"

Pretty much, so fucking tired of these pretentious hacks

Void Bastards has comedic negative trait "Overly Formal" that obscures names of enemy types (which doesn't really matter that much unless it's dark) and instead displays just their last name. Didn't really make me feel any worse.

Naming every single enemy is a cool idea, I remember I was impressed they bothered to do it in Morrowind. But attempting to spin it as some kind of deep philosophical message is hilarious

I'm crying already
so brave

You never have to pull the trigger in No Russian, but you do because you want to succeed in your mission

>You killed Steve
>You killed Bob
>You killed Steve
>You killed Red Steve
Really makes you think

The CoD one.
>Absolute gratuitous violence
>Against absolutely innocent civvies
>You understand the necessity to do it
>Can choose to not participate in it, it doesn't change anything. The horror just continues before your eyes
>You get killed anyway, making that bloodshed gratuitous and even more meaningless

Absolute kino