Your sister

what video games does your sister play?

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>And here is my son's room...

Terraria and minecraft

a whole man

user why are you into Brazilian femdom trannies?

portal, devil may cry, tomba, worms arma


Sims, animal crossing, ya know, faggot shit.
Doesn't help that's she's a mha fujofag as well, I hate kids.

thats a man, baby, yeah.

yeah person in OPs image definitely ate a pork bun

are Red Dragon keyboards actually good?

Some SMT mobile game


this is the hand of a man, you can tell because women´s index finger is longer than their ring finger.


tell me there's lewds, I love brazillian trannies. I'm at work and can't check myself right now


It's a g4m3r brand and it's cheap, so the build quality is trash. Mostly made for 3rd world kids so they can play fortnite while piercing anyone else's ears with Outemu blue switches.

sry, forgot pic of my older[shorter] sis

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Pretty good taste.

Wait a minute

>black nail polish
>cute feet

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nice try fag

Sims and Crusader Kings II
Although she cheats herself some more gold at the beginning of each CKII Game

The sims, Princess maker, grand theft auto, untitled goose game

>be OP
>thinks he can trap people
>people immediately call him out

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I don’t have a sister. I do have a gay stepbrother.

Cute desktop

what sister?

Is her mousepad Janna from League?
fuck man she was my jam back in the day
also shes probably a tranny but its ok

Man foot too, just look at this fat abomination

zelda, animal crossing, the witcher, overwatch

Trannies get the rope.

ok, maybe my limited knowledge of english didnt explained it well, so im going to explain with a simple exposition of concepts.
Men = Index < Ring
Women = Index > Ring

Your sister seems cool

You will never be a woman

drinking and making babies

Trannies get the dick

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Is that true user? Wow you have so much knowledge

felipe, is that you?

Would only play mario. 2d ones, no 64, sunshine, etc

can i suck your cock?

Sauce on those traps?

No, I am not a degenerate.

Attractive trannies are like 1% of the tranny population, you will never fuck a tranny that looks this good

Felt pretty good getting fucked by a tranny desu

She's pretty into Animal Crossing and Assassin's Creed at the moment. I don't recall all the different things she's played though, usually she just played the same games as me and my brother when we were growing up

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I only know this one here

I understood you, it's just that my index is longer and I'm a guy.

bruh, same monitor

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>Man feet

Fuck off.

She looks Blacked.

prove it.

Oh my god!!! Haha!! Post this to Reddit too!

>you will never fuck a tranny that looks this good
I will never fuck anime girls either yet I still fap to them, what's your point?

no sister they're swimming.

I didn’t have a sister but I hung at my homies a lot with his sisters partly due to the whole family playing wow back in TBC

I used the older daughter as a cocksleeve and the youngest as a plaything over the four years of my high school experience

Good times.

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Jesus fucking christ, is that all you fucking think about when you see women? Black dick?

That's a regular picture of a regular looking woman, user, jesus fuck get off Zig Forums for a while

Mutt's law is fucking real.

When I was a kid, I had a really bad anal fissure after a colonoscopy gone wrong (I had colon polyps, it’s pretty common) so my big sister would rub cream on my asshole and eventually started fingering me. At the time I didn’t really think much of it, but when we got older her boyfriend broke up with her because she wanted to fuck him with a strap on and he spilled the beans on how she kept trying to jam her fingers up his ass all the time. She countered with “he’s just mad I got bored with him and his dick is small”.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I just want a black trap gf bros.

real women do not use retard tranny gamer mousepads with half naked game women on them.

go to sleep nig

where the cute benis at

bro that was pretty spicy I would legitimately subscribe to your blog

Fuckin the whole house huh

Can we go deeper?

Skyrim and the Sims

Some animal crossing too

lol we grew up in syosset where natalie portman is from, it's like 50%+ jews and then koreans and christians. out of over 1,000 kids in our high school of 9th - 12th grade there was maybe 4-5 blacks total. she did date a guy who went on to work at bioware and my cousin is steph is married to that matt pat game theory guy who i've still never met but look forward to one day at a family gathering.

You live in a redneck retard family if your sister fingered your asshole while putting anal cream on. That takes all of 2 seconds to apply.

That's a man's foot. You aren't fooling anyone you faggot.

wow haha what man would want to get fucked by a girl with a strap on that's pretty gay haha

why do "girls" have the most scuffed setups

What does the reddragon key do?

Not gonna post but it's kinda weird my right index is slightly longer than my ring finger. left hand's normal though

>you will never fuck a tranny that looks this good
Most pepople here will never fuck anyone who looks good. Your point?

Prostate stimulation isn't gay at all, and it makes orgasms a lot more powerful. Wanting a man's penis is gay, yeah.

>10 years old
>playing hide and seek with other kids at the playground
>my neighbor and his sister are hiding with me
>he pulls off his pants, high dick was hard as rock, his sister points to it and asks if they could see mine too
>get flustered, confused and weirded out, say something and excuse myself back home
That was over 20 years ago and to this day I still think what could've happened if I wasn't so innocent and showed that little slut my cock like she wanted.

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Mutts Law strikes once again.

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Unsheathe OP's trannydonger.

But onii-chan I poop from there?


just mold a dildo out of your penis, it would be the same as jerking off or sucking your own dick