9 more days and you fuckers are going to wish you never cheesed me

9 more days and you fuckers are going to wish you never cheesed me
also terraria thread

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How do you ever cheese the golem?
I think it's easy enough to dont need anything to "cheat" it.

like everything, building an arena
who neverbuiltanarenaforanyboss here?
played the game completely legit

I have 9 days to finish persona royal so I can jump on the terraria bandwagon?

Fuck me

Not even for the wall of flesh?

His room was just filled with traps I had to cheese him he gave me no choice

Wall of flesh is the easiest to do arena-less, just get water walking potions.

You can beat him with lots of dinamite.
Also how do i kill the cultist in expert?

Just remove the traps with the Shroomite pick.

More than enough time.

Recently got the alien ray-bazooka. Shit is cash, it can nuke everything.

I haven't played in years. Is range still stupid broken and melee stupidly bad?

Is it just me or are some of the projectiles hard to see? I can never see hornet stingers and bullets from pirates are also really hard to see. Also it can get nearly pitch black at night. Does anyone else experience this or do I need to tweak my settings on my monitor?

just use a tank bro

Range is still powerful. Melee got a shitty fix in the form of Yo-yos. They're just ranged weapons that do melee damage.

Nah. You're not the only one. It makes plantera a pain in the ass to fight. Also sometimes I lose track of the mouse cursor during crazy fights.

>Not building for Skeletron or Prime
Fuck that shit
>Daedalus getting nerfed

Golem was a shitty boss that deserved to be cheesed.

In fact, all Terraria bosses were pretty shitty. It was all just 'run away from these fuckers that home in on you and deal contact damage' over and over. There was no fun mechanics at all. The fun was in the mystery of the exploration and finding new shit. When you actually know the bosses they're pretty bad.

>Is range still stupid broken?
>Is melee stupid bad?
Use 'melee' (wink nod) weapons.
>Swords that shoot particles
>Flails to a lesser extent
>Mods also include 'strength ranged weapons' that count as melee (thrown).

>run away from these fuckers that home in on you and deal contact damage' over and over. There was no fun mechanics at all.
I wish the devs would understand this and fucking do something about it. Melee's garbage and moreso before you get Iron Enchantment / Shield of Double-tap Dash. Unavoidable damage is bad game design

don't fire at the fakes he makes
when he does that, stop attacking for a second and try to figure out which one is real and then start attacking again

I cheese every terraria boss because fuck unavoidabe screen-filling bullshit
every boss is trivialized by just running/flying at high speed with a gun/magic/summons or whatever the fuck
melee unironically fucking sucks and requires the most cheesing

You can just rip up the pressure plates with any old pick though

>Install Dragon Ball Terraria
>Flight that doesn't get good until after you kill Plantera
>But it's good enough to give the bosses a taste of the bullshit they do
God it's fun.

I once accidentally his pedestal, so I could spawn him on the surface

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the Journey's End update is going to rebalance every single weapon and enemy in the game. I imagine they've tweaked bosses too.

>needing arena after hardmode
nigga just fly

>What's your ideal loadout when you hit hard mode?
>Do you use wings or balloons with horseshoe?
I can't wrap my head around why we don't get a dedicated wing slot when they're mandatory

>We didn't balance this at all btw hehehe enjoy 800 contact damage
>Expert's rebalanced and modders are going to ignore expert forever.

I just have the entire cursor in white. I never missed again.

Just get rid of baloon.