Sakura Wars

Remember your dates or face the consequences

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I like the consequences though.

>date girls
>can't sleep with them
literally what's the point

Choose your fate
>be cursed
>writhe in agony down in Hell where you belong
>get shot
>get the shit beat out of you
>make a loli cry

is the blonde preggers?

Not yet

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What are you talking about? Of course you can hold their hand

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>no romancing the only good-looking one
yeah no, shit game, shit series.

Who are you talking about?

>main girl is worst girl
Why is it always the case?

man at some angles the faces look creppy af.

Well not in all games of this type main girl is the worst game, but normally what I feel is that scenario writters try to make her stand out compared to the rest by adding to her more "deep" and scenes, being honest here sometimes less is more. If you point a lot of focus into something and you don't do it well the player end up tired of that character.

From left one:
Young good looking, best girl.
Mentality of a boy, tomboys are shit.
main girl is always boring. too cliche, too pure, too formulaic.
bloated whore. Always find these characters disgusting.
bloated whore 2.0

I think that's the problem. For all the scenes the game gives her, Sakura barely has a character or the charisma to carry the game

>Claris's face when Azami cockblocks her

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Wait, so I've finally beaten Sakura and Azami at Hanafuda, is that fucking it until I beat the game?

garbage taste except for Sakura, she's shit


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Romance enough for me

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Just recently played Sakura Wars 5.
The only thing I could say is that half of the cast are bunch of unlikable cunts.

Especially that nigger ass lawyer “Sagitta”.

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They are. "If there was a fuck these assholes I'm out" game over option for Shinjiro near the start I would have chosen it.

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Hatsuho is for marriage.

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Shrine maidens are chaste

I’m definitely gonna choose Gemini for a date/ending cause I think clumsy girls are cute.

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Not for long

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I went with the loli because she was the only one there who was cool to Shinji from the getgo

Delete this

I liked Sakura the most.

Her emo phase kinda pissed me off. Now she's worst girl to me