Why does this man make Zig Forums seethe so much?

Why does this man make Zig Forums seethe so much?

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What doesn't make this board seethe?

Why does this man make Zig Forums seethe so much?

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the same retards get upset by the same inate bullshit over and over again, the biggest pity is how actually shallow that game is and how the illusion of “your choices matter” are the only reason why this game won this many awards

It reminds them of their future selfs (but even more based).
Also an actually good game made by a literal tankie, so it makes Zig Forums mad

sent him and his litle friends to jail
that'll teach them

20 hours of gameplay
game bugged out on the final fight.

good job chapos, remember to pirate.

20 hrs is not bad for $38 tbqh (I still pirated it)

But is it really?
lmao imagine buying singleplayer games

>the illusion of “your choices matter” are the only reason why this game won this many awards
no it wasn't lol
The art direction, the moment-to-moment writing, and the setting are why it got awards.

>people think the insane internal ramblings of this drunk druggie fuck up are supposed to be serious politics

>paying full-price for any game
if you skip through dialogues
you probably think it bugged because you didn't fail the check but still got shot

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What's the correct approach here?

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It failed to load. It just went to blackscreen before the final confrontation and never loaded.

This was first week after launch, maybe they patched it finally for their paypigs.

ask kim for his gun

let's try diplomacy

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I just want to protect that smile, bros...

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This right here, also people are afraid of new ideas. The second someone criticizes what they know or believe they go into defense mode. Even when it's in a video game

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not that user, and i love the game, but I softlocked four times in my first playthrough. So many times after saving, suddenly doors wouldnt work and id be stuck on a roof or in a building. I assume its been patched now but it used to be a terrible experience in terms of bugs. Still love the game tho and hope for a sequel.

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he's right you know

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Like I get pricing hours per price but the game is god damn quality and such an unique experience. Like if you go to movies that's like what 10 bucks and only lasts 2 hours max. So 5 bucks for an hour of entertainment. Meanwhile you paid 2 bucks for an hour and probably got something out of this game.

sure i went this route but people who treat it like it's supposed to be serious political discourse are retards

Tumblr nose

I'd be fine with taxes if I weren't forced to live around violent darkies

It's alcoholism nose, actually.

freezing weather and rampant alcoholism nose

We should have a racism tax, great idea. We can finally afford healthcare if we allow people to pay for being bigoted.

BASED DEPARTMENT - "Hello, this is based department speaking, how can I help you?" You hear a muffled voice saying: "It's him!". The words are followed by an explosion of laughter in the background.

1. "S-sorry, wrong number."
2. "Why yes, I'm based, how can you tell?"
3. [Savoir Faire - Legendary 16] Convince them you ARE based.

I think we cracked the tumbler code, they all are secretly alcoholics

number 3

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3 is a trick. If you need to convince someone you're based, you aren't. 2 is right. Be assured in your own basedness and the rest will follow.