Do they have the balls to still make her optional?

Do they have the balls to still make her optional?

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No. And beyond that they aren't going to spend the money on her models and V.A. just to not have everyone see her.


Yuffie and Vincent are canonically part of the main cast aren't they?

Does she have optional balls?

She was only optional in the first place because they didn't have enough time

yes but her balls are dlc

Do they have the balls to make her her?

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No because they are expanding on wutai a lot

Stop comparing Yuffie to that shitty light novel character, god

Yuffie stealing the party's gear and materia will be the excuse used to have everyone start again from scratch in Part 2.

With the way they're integrating Wutai into the story as a much bigger deal, probably not.

Their similarities are superficial.

No. They were actually optional in the original game. You could beat the game without ever running into them.

They're in the movie and got their own game so I would think so

No, the whole reason they brought up Wutai earlier is so they can incorporate Yuffie's section into the main plot.

No, they'll use her stealing your stuff as an excuse for you to start at lvl1 again

no, they're not in any of the FMVs

If by "optional" you mean DLC, then perhaps they just might.

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do they still have the balls for this scene?

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No, the remake is balls-less

The Don's scenes in the first part were plenty creepy, rapey and hilarious, so I don't see why not.

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Yuffie is UA.
We wont be allowed to date her anymore, and you know it.

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i love Cid so fucking much

IKR. He’s like Barret from the beginning but ramped up to 11

You know FF7 has a shitty translation right?
It goes beyond NISAtier, if that's even possible.

23 years later and people STILL can't get through their thick heads the fact they weren't optional on purpose but due to the rushed as fuck development. You think Vincent was also meant to have so little content or that Zack's death was also meant to be lazily tucked away in the third disk unconnected to the main plot?

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>Yes his name's Barret
>+5 affection points to Barret

She was only optional in the original because of time constraints, it wasn't their true intentions, so she won't be optional in the Remake.
FFVII Remake is part of the compilation and they're canon to the compilation as seen in AC and DoC.

2300 shitposts later
Whether they made what is still widely regarded the GOAT game by accident or on purpose, what they did is what people liked.
Same as Dota, where half of the features were originally just bugs. If people like your failure more than your success, why try correct it?

No. They're likely going to use her to steal all your shit to depower you from Part 1 to begin Part 2 as punk bitches again.

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I'm sure the reason people love VII as a GOAT is because of grinding on the forest next to Junon until the Mysterious Ninja appears, user.
Not like the Requel's been shown to have far more party dialogue so far and brought the Wutai War front and center or anything.

On the surface, they're very similar to each other. However, Kyrie steals from anyone just because she can abusing her great thief bloodline, and Yuffie steals Materia only to help Wutai come back from being a puppet state. I would like to see the two interact and conflict.

Is Wutai gonna be a poweerful country in REMAKE?
In the original it was just some Japanese boondocks, hardly anything that gives Midgar trouble. Like any southeast asia country and US.

She won't be optional, because the Remake will also use elements from Dirge of Cerberus

>you kill Hojo
>leave the arena
>if you come back his corpse is gone and the computer terminal in front of him has the words WWN in it

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that would be a waste of development time and money. what's the purpose of this?

No, Wutai is supposed to still be reeling from the war. This is the point of Yuffie's character arc.

She steals balls. It's her whole thing.

I wish she stole my balls

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