I'm on Ch.4. Is there a plot in this mess or is it just characters talking in infodumps?

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There's plot towards then end but it's garbo

It's an unfinished game quickly cobbled together to make money. What did you expect?

You didn't get the hint when one of the most pivotal plot points got moved to a movie?

Playing XV after VIIR feels like a slap in the face. Damn, literally everything about this game that isn't graphics is mediocre as fuck.

FFXV was an impulse purchase, I didn't look anything up until now.

fucking idiots this game sold 150m and is the best final fantasy ever while final fantasy 7 remake sold 700k and is the worst

theres a plot bro, you just have to buy the movie, anime, spin off games, and dlc to get it :^)

Thanks :^)

>Character backstories made into an anime.
>Pivotal events in the story turned into movie.
>Party member character development turned into separate DLC
>Main combat is shit
>Blatantly left unfinished
>Steam version is still unoptimized and stuttery

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Does 7R have the same hold O to awesome combat system? I hated that

The plot is fucking half-finished. You can tell that there was supposed to be a whole hell of a lot of shit inside the city before you started the road trip because the entire backstory and arguably the most plot-crucial character (Lunafreya) are completely absent from everything.

Don't try to figure out WHAT'S going on, all of the interesting storytelling is the character development between the boy band as the adventure progresses.

wouldn't know I quit after the first gas station and all the lame boy band vibes.

The story is utter shit. Nomura is the biggest hack-fraud. SE should never let him single handedly direct a game ever again. I wish they'd get rid if him, but apparently his name still has selling power? Imagine the countless yen wasted on his retarded, child-like, dithering ass.

you and me both. What a waste of money. I wish I could the money back, get blackout drunk and never remember what a boring snooze fest it was.

you have to buy all the individual character story dlcs

hope you sat through kingsglaive and brotherhood and are prepared to buy all the dlc, otherwise it's never going to make one iota of sense to you. not that it matters, since this "game" is a hold o to win movie that nobody should ever play.

No, it has a completely different combat system where you smash square to charge the ATB gauge and then pick an action.

Be glad that you didn't play vanilla. Last dungeon was basically running around for hours without any shit happening.

>Nomura is the biggest hack-fraud.
nomura derangement syndrome in action. you do realize square took this game away from nomura midway through development and gave it to the hack who made the 3rd birthday, right?

Nomura didn't make XIII aka the worst FF game.

Did you see how some shit happened at the end of chapter 1 that made the characters get really sad/pissed? That's a separate movie.

its an unfinished piece of shit.

There's a plot, you just need to watch the movie, anime, and play all the various DLC at certain points in the story to get all of it. It's a fucking disaster of a game.

Kek. Glad to see this game still makes Zig Forums SEETHE

Is Noctis a good protagonist?

Nomura can give excuses all he wants, every game he is involved with spends ten years in development. If Tabata had been given the time they gave Nomura they probably would've ended up with a much better game

The ending is the best part of the game though and actually pretty great

>He didn't get it for £1 on Xbox gamepass


the second half of the game is never not going to be a linear trainwreck. where the story just suddenly gets dumped on you after dozens of hours of nothing happening

Noctis is literally the only good part of the game

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Why does the game seem to improve when the open world stuff stops?

Which ending?
Because the take your place among the guardian kings thing was fucking retarded and lacked any kind of impact, as did everything to do with Noctis' "destiny" and Lunafreya up until that point.

But dammit. why the hell is this so hard was one of the best scenes in the history of the FF franchise and, like all the things related to the boy band, the best part of the narrative.

>owning a shitxbox over PC or PS4

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Road trip with your bros and fishing is the only good thing about this game.

Everything important in the game happens before your characters get there. The entire game is trying to deal with crap a day/week/decade late.

Pinball mini-game was kinda enjoyable. Got a few Gold Bangles there at the start of the game.

>Nomura can give excuses all he wants, every game he is involved with spends ten years in development.
ffxv was the only game he was involved with that took that long, and it was all square's fault - from constantly pulling his staff off the project to fix their other games, to making him change engines midway through, to removing him from the project and replacing him with tabata. this was the era where every major squeenix project was a mismanaged clusterfuck.
>If Tabata had been given the time they gave Nomura they probably would've ended up with a much better game
tabata had six years to make type-0 and everything outside of the combat was a mess.