Saving a young girl's life is bad

>saving a young girl's life is bad

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That's not the point, it's about the cycle of revenge.

It's weird, it's like he has some innate desire for moral subversion.

if you kill your enemies.... they win...

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>alienates fans of the first one
>alienates newcomers
>alienates SJWs by making the lesbian get beat to a pulp & making the tranny character look ugly as sin + ruthless
Who the FUCK was this story made for?

For gamers.

Get real user, there's going to be people who claim to like this in order to stick it to the crowd who hate it.

Yeah just like andromedia.

(((they))) don't know what morality is

He saved her for his own benefit and doomed the human race in the process. The bullshit about the fireflies being clueless is a retcon, in the first game it was made clear she was a literal cure.

how come Zig Forums hasn't made a neil druckmann wojak yet?

From Abby's point of view, Joel is evil.

because druckmann is not a basedboy

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yes unironically. all women are whores

Doing ANYTHING in retaliation is revenge. Calling the cops on someone who wronged you is revenge. "Revenge" is just justice with a dirty connotation to it.

>in the first game it was made clear she was a literal cure.
No, in the first game it was explicitly stated they'd perform a surgery that would kill her for the CHANCE that they'd find a cure. It was never a guarantee, and that's why Joel chose to save her.

And yet, they didn't tell anything to Ellie. That's murder. Maybe Joel killed them, but the medics were going to do the same.
From Abby's point of view, his dad was a child murderer

Then make sure you kill all of the loved ones of someone before you kill them.

This, cycle can't happen if you ensure to slaughter everyone involved.

oh my god... it all makes sense now...
at last i truly see.

Marlene had already weighed up the pros and cons and made the decision, Joel was just some fucking retard with the job of transporting her, it wasn't his call.

When you're making the mother of all omelettes you can't fret over an egg.

he's a fag and everything but I do want a beard like his

Joel never actually cared about a cure. He saved Ellie for himself.

You mean the cycle Abby starts by hunting down Joel?

Did you think killing off groups of people would have no consequence?
It's realistic.

He's an artist, you wouldn't understand.

The people who enjoyed "Gone Home"

Wasn't Marlene's call to make either.
I wouldn't have killed a child become some spic vagina claimed that killing the kid had a chance of saving people, either.

everyones expectations = subversed
he is beyond genius

For the kinda man that writes stories about a preteen, rebellious, interracial lesbian couple

I don't give a fuck about the other groups of people, I want to play as my niggas Joel and Ellie I don't care about your social commentary this is a video-game

basically this. he obviously have daughter issues. ellie is also the want to blame because she’s the one that forced joel to be attached to her even when knowing he lost her daughtee

Playing this game will make you give a fuck about the other groups of people, this is their game, not yours.

It'd be realistic if he was some major faction leader with access to a large group of supporters and the intelligence required to track a Joel down. Even then, why isn't the family of every raider he killed in the first game tracking him down? It should be realistic, like you said.

>cycle of revenge

Druckmann claims revenge is bad. Druckmann is now using false copyright strikes to get revenge on Youtubers that made fun of his game. What did he mean by this?