So about how many hours can one get out of this game?

so about how many hours can one get out of this game?

Attached: 2920687-the legend of zelda - breath of the wild v7.jpg (713x960, 272.66K)

around 3 fiddy

About tree fiddy.

Same amount of hours I got out of your mom gotteeeeem.

Yeah so about 3.

Depends. I probably got about 200 out of it before getting bored, you might get less. I'll probably Replay it again before the 2nd one comes out

I got 70 hours+. Depends on how many shrines and exploration you want to do.

I put in 280

if you wanna finish the story and fuck around a little then it's about 15-20 hours.

but if you wanna do everything and explore every nook and cranny then it'll be up to 60 hours

on a college mc server some guy said he 100%ed it 3 times (that means every korok seed) and then talked about how much he wanted to bang link and how he turned him bisexual.
so if you’re autistic you’ll probably get a lot of time out of the game

is there a percent completion tracker in the game?

I put in over 300 and still play it

I havent 100% it but I beat it and started master mode and I'm doing that right now

Attached: botw.png (932x76, 16.34K)

1 hour of gameplay
99 hours of walking towards the gameplay

I'm not a completionist and I have 75

I got 205-210 hours out of it. Did about everything besides getting all the seeds, so I'd say you can get plenty hours out of it for your money's worth.

I 100% normal mode and made a boss rush hyrule castle in master mode.
Currently the clock says 425 hours.

I put about 40 hours in and that was just getting every map region identified and the Master Sword, but by then I was already getting bored with how repetitive the gameplay was

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I started the game not long ago and just got my first horse registered at a stable. Every time I’m riding, it has this habit of veering off into a wall or something. I don’t think it’s stick drift because I have no issues controlling Link on foot. Is there a way to further tame a horse or something?

Press a shoulder button I forget which one while riding to increase bonding
Alternatively feed the horse apples or carrots

Yeah if your horse doesnt like you it does that some times. When it seems like its agitated you just continue to soothe it and it tameness will go up

Thanks, it was getting really frustrating.

>but if you wanna do everything and explore every nook and cranny then it'll be up to 60 hours
>60 hours
you are not counting those fucking koroks, didnt you?

I got bored around 25 but I'm not a Zelda fan to begin with, just figured I'd give it a whirl.

I did all the shrines, side quests, maxed out all my armors, got 444 korok seeds and it put me somewhere around 300 hours. I've still gotta finish trial of the sword and champion's ballad.

I had about 120 hours before I decided to head to the castle and end the game.
All 4 divine beasts.
All 120 shrines.
All memories.
Maybe about 180 koroks (but I wasn't looking them those are just the ones I found naturally as I played.)

I still find myself going back to it though. Its such a relaxing game to play. Very therapeutic. And I often use it as a palette cleanser after I've played a particularly shite game.

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same here, I'm still missing 3/4ths of the dlc. I'm not even on master mode and the middle trials continue to kick my ass pretty hard. I just like to travel across the over world, kill mini bosses and fuck around.

Anyone here play skyrim and know how it compares in length?

I played skyrim before and maybe got around 180 hours with two different characters before I found it getting too repetitive,

does breath of the wild get repetitive or does it just keep the same zelda vibe throughout the whole game?

Attached: The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim_cover.png (250x342, 119.59K)

depends how quickly you get bored. if skyrim kept you occupied this will be fine im sure

Its a different beast.

Skyrim is more lore-focused and I got bored pretty quickly.

BotW relies entirely on intrinsic motivation - you go out an explore based on sheer curiosity. And even simply navigating the world is a game inself - travelling from A to B is fun and open to your own inventiveness.

The amount of time you find this trash entertaining is inversely correlated to both your IQ and age.

yeah but I realized in skyrim that it was all just random dungeon crawling and just percentage increases in power and healing spells; even in the items.

but I know with zelda there are always items to do neat stuff with to keep me entertained.. ya know like the hook-shot and irons boots and what-not.

does breath of the wild have a lot of items like that throughout the game? or does it just turn into a huge dungeon exploring, item scouring, percentage raising time lapse

It's a nigh-infinitely playable sandbox campaign in the exact same vein. There might be one or two little things about one or the other that makes one better, but the same basic outline applies.

>does breath of the wild have a lot of items like that throughout the game?

The game has weapon durability mechanic. You'll find tons of weapons with various elemental variations, arrow types, bow types. The durability seems to irk some but there's weapons literally just lying around. Not to mention that you can use the other mechanics like the environment, weather and physics to your advantage on combat.

But you can also get permanent shit like the magical runes which can stop time, freeze stuff into ice, make bombs and so on.

There's also a wealth or upgradable armour sets with various effects and 4 magical spells you can earn by defeating bosses.

Currently at over 205 hours in the game. It's my first playthrough, and also my first Zelda game. Just reached the fourth and final Divine Beast for me (Gerudo). After I clear this region the only region left for me to "unlock" will be the central Hyrule Castle area. I've taken my time and made sure to explore each area fully before progressing to the next.

I got about 140, didn't 100% it but I did all the shrines, 300 koroks, and all the DLC.


BotW is best played at a leisurely pace.