Let’s ask the newcomer, do you support the news? Because the Mayor’s threatening to throw free speech in the dumpster

Let’s ask the newcomer, do you support the news? Because the Mayor’s threatening to throw free speech in the dumpster.

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Why do people believe the companions in Fallout 4 are good and better than NV’s?


Fuck News.

>Ahhh, after 200 years I'm free! Time to Hate Newspapers!

Let me tell you about jewspapers...

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stop living in past threads, noobtard

How anyone can read
>Hate newspapers
and continue to defend this shitty dialogue system is beyond me



Isn't this the mod where it makes it clear what your choices actually mean? In the vanilla game they muddle it up with more bullshit.
Unless this is the vanilla game and F04 is really that bad.

I quit playing this garbage once I head the voice of Troy Baker coming out of the main character's mouth

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Piper should have been the synth agent and her interviews would have been the recon for the duplicate's memories
how does the institute manage to make a perfect memory copy of someone they just picked up off the street? do they have magical brainwave duplicators? fucking stupid that they have magical teleporters and can remotely download people's brains but they still need the mayor to secretly haul people away

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FO4 may be the worst written AAA game i've seen

Piper being a synth would've been a nice twist

how the fuck does this look like the mod that actually tells you what you're going to say to you? its the vanilla game

I can't imagine how people play Fallout 4 without the mod that shows full dialouge options.

No idea why, but I really, really wanted to fuck Piper.
Just rail her cunt until her eyes roll back into her head.

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People don't believe that, you just wanted to conjure up opinions so that people would know that you like New Vegas more than 4

Piper was Buzzfeed: The character

I support this

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She talk your ear off while you do it desu

>No idea why



she's got that spunky tomboy aesthetic to her
too bad she's actually ugly and all the mods give her oversized eyes and a tiny michael jackson nose

>FO4's writing is bad
>they should have used a twist that was already done for 3 other characters

I was talking about piper dude!!!!

>the strong independent reporter girl who always fights for what’s right, is never wrong and always makes things better
You’re right

They actually do.

No retard, the mods show the full dialogue lines like in previous games. This is vanilla

Without at least 100 mods

>this is vanilla
Moron spotted

hate newspapers

'ate newspapers, simple as

Gods... I hate newspapers... My grandfather did too, even before they put out his eyes.
