"gameplay" is trending

SONY is about to win ANOTHER generation because Xbox just loves to shoot itself in the fucking face

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Get your shovel, Snoygger. You're gonna need it.

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How the fuck did Xbox repeat history already? HAVE THEY LEARNED FUCKING NOTHING FROM XBONE DAYS?

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The most hilarious thing about this is that sonynegroes are laughing about this but those are exactly the same shovelwares you are going to get on your shitstation5 lmao.

Reminder that this was the last conference Sony ever graced us with

also don't act like Sony isn't fighting a battle themselves right now

You're acting as if Sony is known for its incredible displays of gameplay and not for its interactive movies.

sure, shovelware is shovelware because you can get it anywhere.

The difference is, sony isn't the one using shovelware for their big reveal

anyone got TLDR?
i don't pay much attention to consoles

Every trailer these days

How did Ubisoft fare?

I sure love fade to black! I love CGI trailers!

Im getting the PS5 but its hard to watch xbox fail again....feels wrong

>anyone got TLDR?
It's a bunch of generic multiplats that are also coming to everything else, but it was mostly pre-rendered crap with little gameplay.

*also on pc

Yes, they are using... they are using... wait, Sony hasn't revealed anything, you idiot.

They will, just like they overloaded the early ps4 trailers with indieshit early on the current gen.

Quick Rundown?

So like every single presentation from both Sony and Microsoft ever made?

Sonybros are literally trying to shame MS for using pre-rendered trailers instead of gameplay to showcase their games... while completely ignoring Sony has been guilty of doing the same shit a dozen times

E3 2018 was great outside of the retarded gimmicks.

Presentation had some interesting games but then it got all overshadowed because at the end they showed a cinematic trailer for ass creed and tried to convince us it was gameplay.

Video games are dead.

And that's okay.

Maybe they shouldn't lie then about there being gameplay.

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...the expression is 'in the foot' xtard

MS overhyped a multiplat stream, promising gameplay. There was no gameplay. It was underwhelming, but places like Twitter and Zig Forums are acting like it was Xbone reveal 2.0.

2 wrongs don't make a right user

They showcased only shower prerendered cutscenes.

This feels oddly manufactured

Never underestimate the pull of retarded shareholders/management who want you to pull magic beans out of your pocket and tell them what they want to hear

>we’re thinking of making the next Xbox more of a multimedia platform and focusing less on expensive video game software. It should be more profitable this way.
>but gamers want games, they don’t care abou-
>Analysts say a multimedia service platform will be more profitable so that’s what you’re going to do
>but we tried that already and it was a horrible failu-
>This is what our shareholders expect, are you going to get it done or should I find someone else to do it?

Its almost too easy.

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Sony always win baby

>Xbone reveal 2.0
I'll need another quick rundown.

But come on, it's clear people with an insane Sony bias are just taking advantage of a situation and trying to exacerbate it. They're trying so hard to make it out to be the xbox one reveal all over again.

Great, hope to see you there trending that hashtag when Sony pulls the same lie next month.

Where did I said what MS did was right? I'm calling out the hypocrisy of Sony fanboys thinking they have any right of shaming MS for doing that when they constantly white knight for another company that does the same thing.


Ah, the PS3.

Here's your free (you) for your shitty bait.

Even if TLoU II flops they still have Ghost of Tsushima the next month

why do people say ps3 won when 360 literally had 1 game that moved more units than all ps3 exclusives combined

Because it sold more.

I'm gonna laugh my ass off if the PlayStation presentation next month also turn out to be mostly pre-rendered trailers of third-party games.

Microsoft is a no go for me. Still gotta wait and see what Sony offers up though.

Better games. Better console. Free online. Console didn't brick as much. Want me to continue?

When is Sony's conference?

>wii sold more consoles
>360 games sold better
>but the ps4 won
This is why no one likes you niggers lol

>Better games.
like what?

But it sold less than the wii...so how did it win?

It didn't sell more than the Wii, then.

Demons souls.

The Wii outsold the PS3 though, with your logic that means it wins

Nah, sorry. Sony came on strong later in the gen but the early PS3 exclusives were underwhelming at best. Nothing on PS3 rivaled Halo 3’s multiplayer either.

Game blows as much as the Xbox

didn't move nearly as much nor was the cultural icon of h3

Nintendo isn't competing with Sony and Nintendo. You are currently coping btw

Grand CreditCard Info Theft was the most kino exclusive of 7th gen.

The X360 had a much larger impact on how consoles are developed than the PS3 could ever had, maybe you should start paying attention to more things besides the VG Chartz.

>t-that doesn’t count


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>Millions of shit eating flies can't be wong!
Get some taste. I traded in my ps3 years ago, idk why you are defending this shit

>Nintendo isn't competing with Nintendo

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Multiplats were also consistently better on 360.

>giving a fuck about AAA console memewars
Meanwhile I'm just playing 20 year old CRPGs, or their modern spiritual succesors.

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I sure love paid online.

I hate nintendo faggots so much

Yeah this is coping. OK Wii is better than PS3, I don't care, don't work for these companies. Xbox still is the loser of the last 2 generations.