TLoU Part II Box Art

Hi there, 4channelers! Your boy Neil Druckmann here again! Around this time yesterday I dropped by to ask for some opinions on our box cover art designs. Had some great feedback and a nice thread going, but just after I asked for some ideas for the back of the box, the thread got removed in what I can only assume to be a vile act of antisemitism! It reminded me of a certain dark period in history, when 6 million Jews were similarily removed by the Nazi regime... The moderators (I understand you call them Jannies here?) should really reflect on how they are pretty much as evil as Doctor Mengele! Anyway, the cover is now ready, thanks to the helpful anons that bumped my thread yesterday. I had my goyim from the promo art dept stay after hours (I have the most dedicated staff in the whole industry!) and prepare a trailer to promote the three surprise editions that will be available for preorder soon. Please share it, like, comment and subscribe to help boost the sales of my game. You wouldn't want my bonus to be smaller than I'd like, would you?

Attached: TLoU pII editions trailer 2mb.webm (1500x844, 2.67M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: lol.jpg (447x437, 114.85K)

instant pre order

This is why i keep coming back.

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Thanks and be sure to tell your friends and fellow gamers!

Attached: TLOU pt2 Ellie Edition.jpg (1920x1080, 327.63K)

my sides!

Attached: 1588467400589.jpg (500x895, 135.77K)

upload this shit to youtube so I can share it with normies

Attached: nod.gif (235x240, 1.63M)

Should I kill my entire channel by uploading this? it would be my most downvoted video for sure

Do it, and post link

Here you go:

now i dont have to thx user

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okay, this is epic

Attached: Heres Abby.jpg (1920x1080, 168.84K)

Great Job user
Beautiful work

Btw I always thought Ellie looks like fucking chuckie in that scene jfc

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Played college golf ya know, could've gone pro if I hadn't transitioned.

Attached: 1588466390001.gif (262x143, 1.01M)

I love you OP

Preordered! Now I'm hype!

TLoU 2 leaks are the best thing to have happened for this place in a while.

Attached: excellence.png (640x480, 161.95K)


>they added my shitty 10000 hours in paint meme to this masterpiece

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Artists rendition of the events

Attached: 1581727307268.png (1200x909, 1.78M)

Holy shit now this is powerful

Attached: 1583749899820.gif (500x500, 255.62K)

Thanks anons, I have a feeling my bonus might be saved!

Attached: TLOU pt2 Joel Edition.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

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What is this thread? Top jej

Attached: EDeAPGCWkAAnNa9.jpg (680x676, 41.53K)

Each new meme is better than the last

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this thread is fucking great

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That fucking framed picture of Hitler, God damnit

Attached: 1584354930290.png (693x601, 246.8K)

Attached: nani.jpg (240x212, 7.09K)

post your memes. My folder must grow

Attached: 1588666596448.jpg (1396x785, 1.75M)

absolutely based.

Attached: alexander-lebedev-zaraki.jpg (1046x786, 110.81K)

Attached: 4ikrbobt07x41.jpg (620x936, 46.24K)

The production value for a single shitpost is astounding
i like it

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actual cringe

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