Ape Escape HD

Insomniac Games is remaking Ape Escape 1-3, you heard it here first.

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I know why you made this thread.

Why the hell would they do that? They're working on the next Spider-Man.

Can't wait

I'm not a Yumi-poster

I legit want an HD remaster already

They have two separate development teams.

Which one would be working on this? It's a pretty recent tweet from SIE Japan.

"remake" or "remaster?"

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Would they remove all of the Japanese stuff? Not the aesthetic, the actual Japanese text on textures, etc.

If so, gay. Also I'm not getting my hopes up until it's confirmed.

The B team, clearly. I have no doubt that the A team is going for more of that Marvel money before the bubble bursts.

Hopefully like the Spyro and Crash remakes

>western shit devs

we need Ape Escape 1-3 HD, Million monkeys released outside of japan and a new game in the franchise.
come on, do it, sony.

Start tweeting at them. I'm not kidding.

If you lude this game you're the scum of the earth and you ain't my nigga

why the heck
I couldn't bare to see a 3D calarts Sayaka

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>feb 1

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yeah can't wait for half the cast to be gay and the other half niggers

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Which is recent and no one has brought it up

>they're both still in jail


I don't. I genuinely just want a port collection.
I am sick and tired of remasters and remakes getting mechanics and game elements wrong, or worse.

If this is a launch title I'm buying a PS5 day one!

Ape Escape 1 had the best OST of the three

the attacker is still dead lol

why insomniac
it's an anime styled game

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>Redone by a western studio
in the trash it goes

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>western studio
They would literally not get it at all.

This has absolutely no chance of being good.

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>The studio that wrote the Ratchet PS3 games and the PS4 reboot in charge of Ape Escape
Good lord no, it'd be like putting Gearbox in charge of a Sly remaster

Pics or it didn't happen

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