The dark age of Resident Evil

The dark age of Resident Evil

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>Resident Evil 4
>"dark age"


>Action game instead of a horror game
>Dude who cares about threatening enemies?! Just roundhouse kick them 6 feet away!


BSAA Jill best Jill

RE4 is godly, Re 5 and 6 are fun.

it's universally praised and it is still a resident evil game no matter how much you shitpost about it


Resident Evil 4 is still one of the best games of all time despite the fact that you contrarians shit on it on a daily basis.

so is witcher 3 but that doesn't make it good lol

It's one of the best games of all time who gives a fuck if it was scary

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>it's universally praised
Don't care

>Mommy look I’m being contrarian for the sake of it!

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Kind of doomed future sequels into having new main characters. You can't make a horror game with Chris, Jill or Leon after they've been roundhouse kicking and suplexing zombies all over the globe.

RE3 was an action game.
In fact, before the remakes, only RE1, RE2, and CV were horror.

I'm being contrarian because the contrarian opinion is correct in this case

brain damage

>still unrefuted
keep screaming "REEEE CONTRARIAN"

4 and 6 had the best gameplay. Purist Jillcucks can kick rocks.

we don't need to refute anything, he's the minority

Chris already killed a superhuman who made wesker her bitch, how the fuck would he be afraid of regular zombies after that

>4 and 6 had the best gameplay
in a world where re2 and 3 remake exist: no

5 gameplay is literally the same as 4 but with more melee moves, as well as strafing, how is 4 better from a gameplay standpoint?

I would like 5 and 6 if the guns felt good to shoot like in 4. The animation feedback and sounds in 4 were masterful, it felt like sex to fire and reload red9 but in 5 and 6 it feels like you're shooting a fucking water gun when you fire any gun

And 7 desu


RE5 and 6 don’t deserve to exist. 4 is where it should've taken a hiatus.

There's nothing wrong with 5 and 6 in a vacuum, they went for a different thing and did it succesfully, 4 being one of the most important games of it's time when it did.

It's a shame that people who preferred the old style got cucked, but that doesn't make the games bad.

Even 6 is ironically good because it's so dumb that it's entertaining

5 had shittier feedback and an awful inventory system, both of which make it unfun.

6 is a fantastic John Woo simulator, but you gotta play it with a friend. Otherwise, it’s just sad

How do you fell about RE3? The turn from survival horror into an action happened before RE4.

The tenseness from Nemesis makes up for it. My real issue is Code Veronica

RE4 was really good and still holds up. RE5 was a little more stupid but coop gave it something to own, RE6 steeped into full retard and was neck deep in convoluted stories, just completely up its own ass.

I resent all of them for taking away classic RE. Just imagine what a classic RE game would be like with today’s resources. Imagine if Resistance was like Outbreak. Imagine

4 was fun tho

controlling your character was the same, but the enemies were faster and could spawn indefinitely in some areas.

5 inventory was closer to classic re than re4s was, and the inventory of 4 is just an autistic sorting simulator that provides you with more inventory space than you will ever need
How is that bad?

>the god tier age of resident evil

RE2 and RE3 tried to recreate the godness of RE4-6 and failed miserably

This was past the point of classic RE, though. 4's was good because you could manage the clusterfuck and it allows you to experiment with more tools. 5's is needlessly crippling while the game simultaneously throws a million bullets for several different gun types + supplementary items in your direction.