Filename thread

Filename thread.

Attached: XBOX INSIDE 2020.jpg (564x1114, 58.69K)

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A - Quiet Road
The busy road is the one with all the drivers currently taking, thus making it the current "busy road".

roll to the right

>a wooden sign changes what it says based on current circumstances

Is this layton's mystery journey?

That problem doesn't make any sense and has mutually exclusive statements. Is the joke that smash strategies are all nonsensical too?

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Everyone who wants to save time chooses the "time saving route", making it the counter intuitive choice. Someone who realizes this and wants to save time would choose the opposite route. Of course you're counting on most people being stupid, which is a safe bet

>one of them is always busy, so it takes longer to get there
So this sentence is a literal lie. Bravo Layton.

>nobody goes there anymore. it's too crowded.

it makes sense

So I guess I'm supposed to figure out that the "busy road" is actually the quiet one because everyone prefers going on the left. However what if I figure out most people would think of that, and instead pick the busy road?

Self driving cars connected to a network are able to manage the load on both roads so that they are always equal.

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Why is Phil Spencer dressed like that?

It's a Layton puzzle, it's probably the truth.

>what if I figure out most people would think of that, and instead pick the busy road?
It's unsolvable if you assume all game participants are equally apt. However, the puzzle flat out tells out: they all choose the quiet route

It's not even a puzzle, the solution is in the explanation


This is now a Layton thread

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he rigged it so that the hero's candle will always melt quicker and go out first, so the hero just blows out his candle so he'll lose

Man. Sailor Moon truly was soul.


Its basically the same dilemma.
The way youre thinking about it, you can go around in circles forever.

Total War series

trick question.
it is clearly a leap year, so its saturday.

So this is meant to distract us from the real dilemma. I imagine that the real question to the layton puzzle is to go through the middle or something similar.

Or that the old signpost was flipped around

I haff tvelve metchsteek

are you an idiot

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more Layton please

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70 is a multiple of 7. Suptracting 7 by that would also be a multiple of 7. Multiplying that by 2 is also a multiple of 7. You don't even have to do math here.

There is always somebody who fall for it

Ah yes, I forgot on a leap year you have to go through whatever day the 28th fell on again. The two Fridays in a row this year were sure trippy!

So then Newton, whats the answer?

I don't get this one at all yet
My only logic is that a note is an actual sounds, all the other things are music-related but not the actual notes.
Chord would be kinda cheating then, wouldn't it?

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doing that is math

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>Nobody drives in New York, there's too much traffic

Truth shall not stand silence.


If 7 days ago was a Sunday, 7 days from now would also be a Sunday.

smugly solving an easy and obvious puzzle

Shadow the Hedgehog with a blank sheet of paper.png

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