You cant hit multiple enemies once

>You cant hit multiple enemies once
>Combat is like a rhythm game
Definitely harder than any souls game

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>harder than any souls game
because it has some of the worst combat design ever put into an rpg

walking simulator

it has better combat than the big RPGs of its time like morrowind and oblivion

This but unironically, Soulsfags would shit their pants with NotR

Anyone watch Ela play this?


it's not even 1% as good as morrowind or oblivion.
This game is utter trash and only destitute yuropoors liked it.


Gothic is not even an rpg, it has almost no depth as a game and the only thing that kept retards flocking to it is a sub-par combat system that was old the day after it came out.

Enjoy your trash I guess

Yes, nice to see someone introduce the GOAT RPG to zoomers

Oblivion and specially Skyrim were not even RPGs anymore, just action adventure games with slight RPG elements, hell even Gothic 3 was more of an RPG than those two.


The first Risen was an incredibly underrated game and I dare to say it's on par with Gothic 2. Too bad the rest of the series was underwhelming at best.

Don't you mean WHOMEGALUL.

>start Gothic 2
>have a blast and hours go by, finish it multiple times

>start Gothic 1
>always make it to old camp before getting aggressively bored and dropping the game
>repeated this like 5 times by now

Why does this happen? Every time I start Gothic 1 and tell myself this is it, this time I'll get past the first 10 hours but I never do.

The first Gothic had an incredibly slow start as far as I remember, it starts to catch up when you get to the mine.

>defending gothic 3
anything you say has no value.

The first couple chapters in Gothic 1 are always fun to replay for me, after that it gets kind of boring.

2 is the peak

It's definitely slow, yeah. Also I don't like how barren and grey everything is, Gothic 2 had relatively lush and dense environments where as in Gothic 1 there's barely even any grass anywhere.

Once I got to Xardas Tower in 1 I couldn't stop playing until the end.
But after taking out the dragons I never feel like finishing the last leg of 2. The dragon chapter itself is tiresome, too.

i dropped after i met the wizard in his tower in orc territory, every time i try to continue i get bored quickly

should i just switch to gothic 2 ?

>i dropped after i met the wizard in his tower in orc territory
The fuck, that's easily the best part of the first gothic

You're pretty close to the final dungeon, which I personally love for the creepy atmosphere. I'd finish it at least once, but it's up to you.

once you know the map well the "go from A to B" quests get extremly boring

bonus point for the endless travels between old camp and the swamp

The game goes to shit after the inquisitor leads you on that expedition into the dungeon behind the monastery. Until that point it was pretty great.

why you think so?
personally I feel it is a decent way to end a game, minus the fight against the last boss with completely different mechanics out of nowhere

another issue is that ending coming too soon, too early, the game feeling to small compared to gothic

but again, the ending itself is ok in my book

Because once you get out of that dungeon the only thing you have to look forward to is doing it again something like four more times while lizard dick gets plastered over every inch of the overworld. Not-Xardas gets hyped up but then is quickly forgotten, Not-Cor Kalom does dick all until you betray and kill him, and the ghost of whatshisname drops five lines of lore then fucks off forever. And these are the only three characters with some role left by then.

game is too fucking easy after few hours
in gothic 2 you are weak for first 10 hours and then you can do cool stuff but you will never be so strong to go fight against many strong enemies and you have to think about what you will do next to not die
in gothic 1 after 10 hours you are literally unkillable

its only hard because you can encounter enemies you cant beat without grinding some levels

once you get rain of fire, army of darkness or max your weapon skills, its a cake walk