I play games until I can clear them without taking any damage. How about you?

I play games until I can clear them without taking any damage. How about you?

Attached: 1557819563865.png (1272x1494, 1.17M)

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I play games until I get bored.

based autism

Fubuki can't even fly straight

Attached: 1572395677079.jpg (257x294, 12.24K)

I like to play them the best I can. Which is to say not very good!

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>play games

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Attached: Dino.png (924x936, 537.46K)

I'm not autistic

*laughs in your path*

Attached: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.jpg (3946x4143, 3.37M)

>pictures and marital status gets revealed
>lethal damage
>no continues

I like to play with myself while playing games.

Attached: korone plays with herself.jpg (2200x1276, 1.42M)

>Play MH
>End game monsters can cart you in 1-2 hits
>1st hit can get you "combo'd" into a cart
I'm kinda already playing that way

*seethes in your face*
*uns in your path*
*steals your heart*

Attached: unnamed.jpg (800x800, 105.84K)

The FBKing of holo

>Korone will never play Koikatsu and reveal a lewd outfit for her model
why even live

here anonfile.com/pbrem4wboe/MODS_rar

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Whoa, that's a high quality korone model, which stream is this?

Why is this fucking loser streaming at 3:45am?

I want to fuck the dog

Attached: doggo.webm (800x640, 2.77M)

I don't have autism so i just beat them

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I 1cc on hardest difficulty then drop the game.

I watch vtubers without knowing japanese

I only understand some of it, but the cute noises are nice!

I literally watch it everyday, it sustains me, it brings me vigor and enlightenment.

Be honest. Did you try out apex recently? I did.

I have sex, user.

Just watch anime a lot to get a basic understanding of context and such. Reading the context is the most important thing to Japanese

Games for this feel?

kind of want to, but I played Overwatch and hated it plus need to try out Valorant at some point since I got a key for it

Doesn't that come with literal chinese spyware?


to my knowledge it's the anti-cheat which is just always running in the background and i think Riot are partnered with some chinese company or something

don't know all the details, some people say they uninstall the game after playing some people say they just let it stay and nothings happened

>big face is playing Minecraft again

Attached: 453.gif (500x281, 968.9K)

Matsuri is a giant slut only to hide the fact that she's a perma-virgin

I assure you it doesn't take weeks for spyware to slowly steal your data in bits and pieces. It does it immediately and completely. Uninstalling spyware after the fact is closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

What, would you rather she play Ark instead, you little homo?

Watch this other blue girl play games late at night then.


Don't say mean things to maru you asshole


so just don't bother installing it in the first place?

not like I'm dying to play it or anything, just feel almost obligated to now that I have the key

I don't because I play actual good games where you only have 1 hit to begin with and playing them without dying would be unreasonable.

>so just don't bother installing it in the first place?
That's the idea.

I didnt know you could take damage in VNs weeb faggot

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Of course you wouldn't know of MGQ you fucking dweeb, fuck off my board, loser.

I just play them for fun without adding stupid rulesto them because i'm not autistic. Also Marine best girl