JRPG Thread

Let's have a JRPG thread while we still we have time to play them.
>What are you playing?
>What are you planning to play next?
I'm currently playing FF12 and planning to get into FF Tactics next since I've been craving some more Ivalice

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>What are you playing?
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest VIII was the first I ever played so it hold a special place for me but XI is excellent too, loving it.
>What are you planning to play next?
Tales of Berseria once I'm done with DQ
It looks fun

Are you enjoying XI?

Playing Vesperia right and gonna play Torna after

Finished Final Fantasy VIII this morning after getting wiped out by Shockwave Pulsar last night. The whole ending sequence was great. My opinion of this game has changed entirely after this playthrough. I didn't take on Omega Weapon, though. I might try that some other time.

Kind of want to go back to Time and Eternity. I'd like to complete that before starting something else.

Fran has a tranny face.

It is well on its way to becoming my second favorite, I really like everyone in the cast and the game has a lot of charm everywhere.
Battle system is your standard Dragon Quest deal so no surprises there, I just wish we had more control over getting pepped up, like Tension in VIII

>What are you playing?
I've been playing SMT Strange Journey lately, and I've enjoyed that quite a lot. Probably one of my favorite JRPGs.
>What are you planning to play next?
I've had the FFX collection in my backlog for quite a while, plus I still need to finish the original Persona trilogy, so I'll most likely play those next.

>What are you playing?
Octopath traveler, i like the gameplay and the aesthetic (i love pixel art), but i hate that the stories of the characters are isolated, sometimes i wonder "What would X character say or do in this situation?", "What do they think of each other?", "'i work alone...' What do you mean you work alone!? what about the other 3 misfits that are there at your side!?" it really hurt the development of the story and characters as a whole entity, and i often forget that they're supposed to have some semblance of personality except Tressa, Tressa is best girl.
Sincerely, nice experiment, next time you can keep the pixel art aesthetic, turn based combat, expand the class system to have access to more classes that the main 8, and i admit i like that some stories deal with mature topics, but drop the 8 individual stories shtick.
I know what they tried to do, "play the story the way you want", but i rather have a classic story structure if that means that i can have character interactions between each member of the main cast and a story that involves everyone, not only one character at a time. Also, since one of the selling points of the game is that it's like an old fashioned Square JRPG game, a good old fashioned world map would have been fine as well instead of it being a web of interconnected wide tunnels.
Tressa is still best girl though.
>What are you planning to play next?
I don't know, maybe i'll finish FFIX before going for FFVIII, but i've head bad things about the latter. How bad is FFVIII?

>How bad is FFVIII?
Just play the game.

Any JRPGs that can match the anime experience with the pacing? I've always found JRPG stories kinda lacking compared to most anime. Not really looking for something Persona 5 that takes place in modern times.

Kiseki? Not sure I get what you mean though.

Could you provide something more specific? Do you mean a game with an anime-esque artstyle and faster pacing?

I get what you mean. ThenLegend of zeroes games are probably the closest in terms of recent games.

Older ones I’d say would be Lunar and Grandia, both feel like they could have been classic anime series.


More character driven drama rather than device focused. I hate how the protagonist in most JRPGs have the personalities of a fucking brick and they just do whatever they're told to do.

Debating on starting my first playthrough of Digmon Cyber Sluts on PC.

Idk... maybe give FE3H a try if you have a switch and $60 to spend?

Not that guy but I dunno m8, Byleth doesn't exactly have much of a personality or a will of his own.

Now: Tales of Berseria.
Next: Nothing, i will quit the genre, since no waifu will ever surpass magilou.

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Yeah, but aside from Final Fantasy and Tales, there aren't really many JRPGs where the protagonist is more than a stand in for the player. You said that you wanted a game where character drama is the central focus, and I think that fire emblem in genea is pretty good in that regard

I wish her attacks were a bit less dumb desu

Original user here... Not exactly what I'm looking for but I guess I'll look into it. I just want a protagonist that's willing to do stupid stuff and fuck up and he learns from those mistakes rather than make the protagonist a perfect mary sue.

Is that one LotR Final Fantasy X ripoff worth playing?

Three Houses does world politics and drama pretty well. It's just Byleth sucks as a character lens to look at it through cause the fucker has too much baggage preestablished to be inserted into that shit.

Just beat original ff7 for the first time, gonna play xenogears next

>Lunar and Grandia, both feel like they could have been classic anime series.
Yeah, lunar 1, 2, and Grandia 1 all give me the same feeling I got watching anime in the 90s.

What JRPG has your favorite cast of characters? For me it's probably FF6.

Some of the Tales games could probably fit under this.

>What are you playing
Tales of Symphonia, again.
>What are you planning to play next?
Tales of Graces, as soon as I get a working USB for my Wii. I've heard the combat in Graces isn't as braindead as Symphonia and Abyss. Is that true?

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Graces' combat is about its only good quality. Also, you should probably play the PS3 version instead.

the girls are all top waifus, the boys bro-tier and even the kid isn't that annoying.

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>willing to do stupid stuff and fuck up
Oh boy, try Tales of the Abyss.

Attached: tales of the abyss cast.jpg (1322x1019, 1.07M)

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You have been playing the same game for what feels like months. Fuck off with your shit threads. No one wants to talk to you. You have no friends. Kill yourself.

I want Tear to sit on my face.

Don't have a PS3. See, I like the combat in Tales, but it's often way too easy. Bait attack -> just run away to dodge -> do your hardest combo(pretty fun desu especially in Symphonia). I like the fights against multiple opponents way more.

Understandable. I want to suck her tits.

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