The games look the fucking same, but now they run at 60 fps. What a fucking waste of a generation

The games look the fucking same, but now they run at 60 fps. What a fucking waste of a generation.

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>but now they run at 60 fps
They don't lol

Now you realize games have been dead since 7th gen

So you admit you play games for graphics?
Also we've reached a peak. There won't be a difference like FF7 vs FF7R any more

but we haven't seen any of the "good stuff". the xbox third party stuff though looked literally like xbone and ps4 games

>So you admit you play games for graphics?
No, but visuals are an integral part of video games. It has fucking video in the name, it's a visual medium you dimwit.

> but now they run at 60 fps
Remember how current gen was supposed to run 1080p at 60 fps? That turned out well.

PS5 is what PS4 gen should have been.

Yeah Microdick even came out and said they don’t have solid plans for launch titles yet, and outside of multiplat I think only one third party PS5 exclusive has been announced. Fucking abysmal.

>brainlet doesn't realizes all "next-gen" gameplay till now isn't really next-gen but low budget games which are cross gen

>The games look the fucking same
And that's a good thing. Maybe one day we'll reach the point when you can't sell games just by showing a bunch of prerendered screenshots.

Wasn't this exactly how it was last gen starting out? Except that one was even worse because barely any of the games actually ran at 60fps lmao

>THIS will finally be the 60fps generation, we swear!

>but now they run at 60 fps

Attached: X1Lm21Oh.jpg (720x697, 35.29K)

> so you admit you play games for graphics?
why is that a bad thing?

last gen, games ran at either 4k or 60fps, not both. this gen will push for both.

I'm not going to panic over a bunch of low budget crap not worthy of being revealed at the same time as CoD and Cyberpunk. They knew nobody gave a shit about these games that's why they had to tack on the Ass Creed trailer.

Yes. The gen before that claimed to run 1080p 30fps only it didn't.

Go watch movies if visuals are what you care about

I remember going from SNES/Genesis to PSX/N64 and being blown away. Same with PSX/N64 to PS2/GC/XBOX. Even the jump from that to PS3/360 was impressive. Ever since then, it's been very underwhelmimg when I see the new shit. I'm not being cynical either because I'm older now now. It's really just not impressive anymore.

VIDEO GAME. VIDEO. GAME. You fucking inbred philistine. Video games consist of more than a response to your button press. If you constantly press the button on an electric mouse trap that shocks you because you find it immensely fun to be shocked then you didn't discover a VIDEO game with 10/10 gameplay for you.

Meanwhile AssCreed Valhalla runs at 4k 30fps

because ubisoft is an embarrassment to the video game industry. I have a feeling a bunch of AAA devs will utilize the 4k60fps capabilities of this generation

Is it just me or did most of those games did not look 60fps

>console plebs now know what it feels like to be held back by old tech since all these games revealed today will be crossplatform with Xbox one and PS4

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The same thing happened with ps3 to ps4. You would think they would learn the first time

heck you can even play some of them on pc right now

>60 fps
You wish

valhalla already confirmed to run at 30 fps on xbox series x

if they were actually that powerful and sony and xbox were competent they would be making tech demos of real time physics with fur particles or rendering toy story 1 in real time (which they still can't do but something like that).

>but now they run at 60 fps
Ubishit wants to talk with you.


Just you wait, before we're even halfway through this next gen they'll be releasing PS5 Pro and SeXXXBox touting "8k resolution and 120 fps" and it'll be just as much of a lie then as it was this gen.

I will most likely wait for those. I bought the PS4 early this gen and it was a fucking disaster after the halfway point. Well, actually after 2017. Might aswell wait for the enhanced one this time.

How is ubisoft a thing? AC was always mediocre, how the fuck are they so big?