ITT: 10/10 character designs

ITT: 10/10 character designs

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>ching chong furfag coombait

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I want to bust a lot of nuts with this crazy squirrel.

Makoto isn't crazy, just genki.

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The Twilight Princess

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God damn it man I gotta fap to midna now

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Low test

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What about Midna's design isn't a 10/10? She's sexy, yes, but she's also incredibly unique and well designed.

She looks like a gross goblin, you pathetic incel

What points in her design do you dislike?

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>likes shitty anime porn designed for kissless virgins
>calling others low test

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pretty cool
and his voice does not sound like a stereo typical black man

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pikmin has tons

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Based normalchad, weab weirdos BTFO.

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What is the lore for her exposing her underboobs?

She likes to be able to move around easily

I love my wife Makoto.

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is that a woman

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That's a badger.

I dislike Makoto's design, along with a lot of the designs in Blazblue, some of them are cool though. She looks alright with the hat and the cloak though. Also, I've always thought she looked really weird in her idle stance, there's just something about her sprite that looks off.

Makoto doesn't look like this in the game. I do think she has a great design though. I really like her DSN outfit too.