Sakura Wars is a good game

Open wide anons

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It isn't on PC so I can't tell if it's good or not.

I love Azami!

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Yet another riveting japanese game about little girls, sign me up

Maybe at 50% sale

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Hai domo.

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>(X) - Mating Press

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Elise fights for sausage

Too bad developers don't want her to love you.
Maybe play a real VN that doesn't chicken out the """""""""loli"""""""" option instead of this neutered shit.

pls tell me i can fug her. fug her senseless.

Sakura is very cute

>Too bad developers don't want her to love you.
Have you even played the game or just read reviews by standard anti-loli westerners? She clearly does

Theirs is a brother-sis relationship.
No dicking.
Again, I rather play a true VN.

>a major video game company actually let this get released in the west
I'm genuinely impressed. Normally when it comes to games with dating sim stuff in it from big companies like Namco or Squeenix it is literally never allowed in the west under any circumstance

There's no dicking for any of the girls

>Theirs is a brother-sis relationship.
Pretty sure that's open to interpretation
>n-no but reviewer said it

>no dicking
You don't dick anyone.


Best girl.

It's not.
Sick and tired of sonyroach lowlives pretending like any shit jrpg with a low quality animu gurl model is anything but the poor garbage for kids who don't have access to their families pc for porn.

Dude, it's a console game. You get a few bawdy jokes but the actual petting never goes beyond first base.

You could romance lolis in Rune Factory 1 and 2. Dragon's Dogma. Record of Agarest War 1, Zero, and Marriage. and some other games I can't remember.

If anything rules are getting stricter towards it unfortunately. Fuck Sony and California

>japanese game
>Zig Forums only talks about the girls and never about the gameplay
i saw 20 thread and yet idk the genre about this game. i gonna guess is a jrpg because that’s the only thing japan knows to do nowdays

Is this game really made for teens?

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based sega dabbing in cunnyfags

Fine by me. Pedophiles deserve the rope.

and enthusiasts

>muh cartoons characters
Take your meds schizo

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Miss those days

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That's the point. A pedophile option has never been an option on those games but Zig Forums acts like it was a thing that got butchered from the latest game.

what the fuck is sakura wars, why are you spamming forum?
Is it console trash? Why are you here, shouldnt you be sucking your gfs dick?

She's literally the only main girl in the game you can't romance.

Fuck off tranny.

It's already plenty more than you get in 5

>If you aren't sexually attracted to children you're a tranny
Nice strawman. Now you're going to post that chart based on a questionable poll based on an even more questionable book.

wrong thread soz

Shut up damned trap.

What was even the point of this character? She did like... one thing. And they did this whole thing where she was supposed to be some pun master but she never made another pun for the rest of the game.

You'll never reach the path of omunice that way