The Last of Us 1

I decided to replay TLOU 1 because of the recent controversy:

>Good human enemy AI, tries to flank, smoke you out, non-fixed patrol routes
>Good non-human AI, clickers when combined with runners make for genuinely tense moments with good stealth interspersed
>Scarce resources, not RE1/2 scarce, but scarce enough that you can't run and gun on higher difficulties
>Shooting is difficult and is treated as a last resort
>Incredibly detailed environments, full of hand placed objects, environmental storytelling, optional bits of lore etc
>Crafting system you're required to make used to on higher difficulties, not overly complex but again, much better than the vast majority of TPS games
>Much larger, more open environments than your standard TPS (Bill's town, University and others), lots of optional rooms to discover. Not open world, but not 100% linear either
>Touching story, Joel remains empathetic despite the arguably selfish decisions he makes
>Great ending

Admitted flaws:

>Too many loading screens obscured with walking, plank placement etc

Why do so many people on Zig Forums hate this game?

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too railroady

Because Zig Forumsedditors mostly play gachatrash, mobas and online shooters
This is why they call any game that has a story a 'moviegame'

Zig Forums hates every game.

Genuinely interested, how would you introduce a more multi-branching element to TLOU? Do you mean in terms of how you traverse the environments or the story itself? For the latter I don't think there's any need for choice as this isn't an RPG, for the former I agree, I'd like to see more open-ness.

Yes. Except high quality titles like Pokemon and Smash Brothers.

Zig Forums actually liked the first game because its full of kids and pedophiles who liked ellie

I liked Ellie purely because I find the father-daughter relationship endearing and sweet. Don't even mean this in a pedophilic or sexual way. It's touching.

the reason they want to kill her is dumb, they should keep her alive and make her have children but I suppose this wouldn't turn out for a good story, other than that the game is alright, it's not my type of game but I completely understand why it's so praised

Yeah, I'm trying to keep the dumpster fire that is TLOU 2 away from this thread. The story sounds fucking awful, I loved TLOU 1 and I don't want to touch it.

I hate that their new game + is garbage. You mean to tell me that I'm not allowed to replay the game with all my upgraded guns at the start? Fuck that, shit is way too moviey.

Also the story is pretty meh. It has good character moments, but it only really feels good during the beginning, Winter, and when Joel is going after Ellie.

Then the enemies are kind of a disappointment. Clickers are cool, but everything else is either zombie or big zombie. Bandits are fucking everywhere and are nowhere near as fun to fight as the E3 concept demo was going on about. You also never get both zombies and bandits in the same room (outside of the medicore dlc) and that kinda blows.

It does everything decent-to-great but it's also like one of those movies or books where like every aspect of it is good according to the medium's rules but it just feels really bland, like they didn't really take the idea as far as it could've been.

>Then the enemies are kind of a disappointment. Clickers are cool, but everything else is either zombie or big zombie
I actually don't care about enemy variety. The moment that boomer-type enemy was introduced in TLOU annoyed me. Until then I could buy into TLOU's cordyceps virus as something more scientific than fantastical.

if games have more than 2 hours of cutscenes, Zig Forums immediately has a seizure and determines that the game is not good.

Too much fucking stealth. Good graphics and animation, though.

At the end of the day this is a board for video games.

The Last of Us is more of an interactive movie than a game.

It's just boring to me because by the midpoint of the game you have huge amounts of ammo and every room is just a shooting gallery when clickers aren't around.

By that point they really should've let loose with enemy variety. I mean this is a video game, not a movie, and TLoU balances gameplay pretty well after the cutscene madness at the start. But I kept feeling they wanted to be super overly serious and try to be The Road while having 28 Days later in there. They really should've just picked one and went full with it.

wrong board you tard

>The Last of Us is more of an interactive movie than a game.

What would you define, objectively as a "movie game"?

Sony exclusive

“Too much fucking stealth in this stealth game” - Zig Forums

>objectively as a "movie game"?

A game that is 5 hours long and more than 40% of that length is in cutscenes where player character and player are separated from control inputs on a controller.

Bug bears here is if we should count forced walking segments and cutscene gameplay (like QTEs).

I say yes.

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movie game is when gameplay is completely dull or inexistent and everyone just likes it for the cutscenes tlou is 100% a movie game, but I don't think you would ever find someone that skipped all the cutscenes and enjoyed it just for the gameplay

I meant to say tlou is not 100% a movie game

I don't, I thought it was good. Had to get used to the fast zombies killing you fast but once I got used to that everything else was aight. I was lmao when I first played it during the first few segments with infected.

>but I don't think you would ever find someone that skipped all the cutscenes and enjoyed it just for the gameplay
What about factions? Almost the exact same gameplay, same maps even, and it's pure crack.

tlou appeals to the same group of people: Retards

>A game that is 5 hours long and more than 40% of that length is in cutscenes where player character and player are separated from control inputs on a controller.

But that isn't TLOU. Around 10% of TLOU are cutscenes. Silent Hill 2 is far more cutscene heavy. Is SH2 a "movie game"?

>but I don't think you would ever find someone that skipped all the cutscenes and enjoyed it just for the gameplay

Many people did.

>movie game is when gameplay is completely dull or inexistent

"Dull" is subjective. If I were to apply this standard to my own tastes, Farming Simulator would be a movie game.

"Unexistent" is a red herring. TLOU clearly has a well defined gameplay loop.

See, my problem here is that there's no real fixed definition for what constitutes a "movie game". Is it a game which is heavy on scripted sequences? Then Half Life 1 and 2 (especially 2) are the moviest of movie games. Is it cinematic presentation? Bungie's Halo titles are movie games. Is it a heavy emphasis on story? Text-based adventures and LucasArts adventure games are also movie games by that standard. Is it QTEs? Resident Evil 4 is a movie game by that standard.

If you cannot agree on a fixed, uniformly applied definition, then the term is by definition useless. The irony here is that there are literal movie games, that are marketed as such, e.g. Heavy Rain.

Nincel shitters utterly BTFO'd.

It's a solid 7.5/10. I didn't play through it until last year then played through on hard then survivor or whatever the hardest mode is called. You've mentioned most of the pros but way downplaying the cons section

>Retarded friendly AI (run around wildly when in stealth sections, also do almost zero damage)
>No stealth detection for friendly AI (ruins immersion)
>Enemy NPC glitches (occasionally invincible enemies or they'll continue to run backwards and forwards repeatedly)
>Crafting is comprised of only 4 collectables and is just hold X to craft instead of a actual interactive system/minigame

I could go on but you get the picture. It's a flawed game but a fun one with a good story. Just wasn't worthy of all the praise it received

>Retarded friendly AI (run around wildly when in stealth sections, also do almost zero damage)
>No stealth detection for friendly AI (ruins immersion)

The AI essentially act as window dressing. Don't get me wrong, I do agree. But I understand why they didn't want to make friendly AI detectable by the enemy. Surely you can understand how frustrating this would have made things.

Regarding the damage they do. I actually agree with this, but this is a problem with virtually any game with friendly AI in my experience. They just seem to make it useless so it doesn't lead to "imbalance". But sometimes imbalance is fun. Ellie actually saved my ass once, and I loved that particular moment because it felt emergent.

>Crafting is comprised of only 4 collectables and is just hold X to craft instead of a actual interactive system/minigame

Could have been better, but it's certainly better than the vast majority of TPS games.

its just so SLOW

>>Touching story, Joel remains empathetic despite the arguably selfish decisions he makes
The story is overrated. I would go in detail why but i am an ESL and nobdoy would understand what i wrote. Joel and the ending saved the story for being bad
I agree about the rest, this game is final and had unironically a very good gameplay. The online is amazing.
nuGoW did it better tho

i am a lolicon but i dislike ellie. she’s a annoying cunt. have a nice butt tho

As someone who has never been into God of War, would you actually recommend nuGoW? I've heard the story is good, but I can't detach myself from how cartoonishly over the top the older games were.

>The Last of Us is more of an interactive movie than a game.
have you played it or only watched the cutscenes on youtube?

>and enjoyed it just for the gameplay
mmm meh?


>but I can't detach myself from how cartoonishly over the top the older games were.

Not him, but it's more or less a completely separate game to Jaffe's garbage.

i loved tlou1 when it came out, still do even though it's finally starting to feel dated. the new leaks, i dunno, maybe i'll still get 2 for the memes

watch this or read the synopsy of gow1 and 3 on wiki, then you’re ready to play the new one. also yes, the new game have actually have no much to do with the old game which is kinda sad but it also turned out amazing so i got no complaints

>good AI
this post is bait and OP is a faggot

i was thinking in getting this game just to play it ironically too, i am temped

This is an aight game that is pretty overrated but its a big budget game and targeted a big audience.

The second part seems to be targeted at an audience of which they think its big, but really isnt. This is what happens when you choose a bubble to live in.

Gamedevs should be forbidden to get on twitter man, this will bring great games back. I swear this is a fucking plague for games and movies.

I'll only get it if you can torture that Asian who hangs around Abby. Something about his face is detestable and reminds me of that gay cartoon that Zig Forums likes, Avatar: The Last Airbender.

at first i was thinking 'no way i don't want to play that' but i want in on the memes and first hand experience of the dumpster fire instead of relying on watching someone else play it, then posting here/ plus there's still a little part of me who hopes it won't suck, but i'm honestly happy i'm prepared for it to be horrible