Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim

>Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim
It's obvious that this is true and the dumbing down getting progressively worse for each game is true. For every mod that makes Morrowind better you need 10x that for Oblivion and 30x that for Skyrim. Base Morrowind is immensely good unlike the others.
Skyrim needs a gorillion mods to be enjoyable after the initial glamour of a empty open world wears off. The graphics are the only things that stand out, the quests are as bad as a generic MMO quest. Hell Oblivion probably has the best quests actually, they were more creative than Skyrim's. Morrowind has very interesting lore in its quest unlike Skyrim's "Lets kill big bad dragons XD".
Anyone who disagrees with the above probably is a zoomer who first played Skyrim on their PS3 or some shit.

Attached: Dagoth_Ur_Character.png (600x1000, 959.66K)

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Skyrim kills immersion aswell. It is impossible to RP it in good conscious.

At least with Oblivion you could 100% it viabley from an RP perspective with a little bit of take here and there . Obviously Morrowind is perfect in this regard.

Yeah Oblivion benefits from the fact that the MC is not an overpowered destined chosen one. Morrowind does the prophecy thing as well but at least you are no name outsider for a while, and then you work for it. And even then you don't have any fancy powers like Shouts.

And the fact the in Oblivion all the quest come naturally. DB will track you if you kill innocents, T-Guild you stumble across following rumors of grey fox ect.

Skyrim just walk up and click x to trigger another dragged out questline in which you are the chosen one...again (but somehow no one remembers you...).

Again Morrowind never had this issue because they rightfully limited the faction system encouraging RP.

Its a mistake to play Elder Scrolls games as true RPG's in the same vein as CRPG's.
You simply will not find that experience. Elder Scrolls games are more made to be "World Simulators" - games which put you into a larger landscape and let you play a archetype within that setting they have built. They are notably less concerned with plot choice and character arcs in a traditional sense and more with broad strokes for different folks.

Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind all have their own merits in comparison to each other. Skyrim's perks, for example offer more player choice and flexibility in comparison to Oblivion's equivalent ( Which were entirely easy to miss, since they were just milestone rewards )

Right but Morrowind & Oblivion worked in this regard.

Skyrim struggles to simulate a functioning world.

>but at least you are no name outsider for a while, and then you work for it
Literally in the opening cutscene azura tells the player that they are the chosen one

No, it doesn't.

If you were playing blind for the first time all that would appear to be is a whacky dream. It only makes sense if you had previously played the game and knew the context.

Yes in a dream. But you're still a weak nobody who can get one shotted by a mud crab. And you go through a bunch of trials to be acknowledged as the Nerevarine. Skyrim you clear two quests and you are already the Dragonborn who can instantly learn shouts and absorb dragon souls.

For me it's..

Morrowind > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Oblivion > Battlespire > Arena

Daggerfall > shit

Out of Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim Oblivion is easily the worst. It has all the clunkiness of Morrowind without any of the good parts. It's pretty much unplayable without mods due to the shitty level scaling.

Oblivion's reputation on this board has only improved because all the kids that played it first are the majority now.

Dagger would possibly be the game most worthy of a remake.

Keeping every bit of gameplay true to the original and simply bringing it into true 3d.

If you don't play those quests, you don't kill any dragons, or absorb souls.

This is like complaining about how after two quests in Obvlivion, you become the Hero of Kvatch. You're retarded.

>Keeping every bit of gameplay true to the original
this only made me sad user, fuck you

I disagree.

Oblivion was still true to the TES formula, it was a living world with classical RPG elements. It was ambitious and stubbled for it but it is not as poor as some people claim.

So, I want to play Morrowind for the first time. What are some good graphical mods?

play it vanilla for your first time

Not him, but it's not the same as HoK.

That's a shoddy example. Liberating a city is no where near comparable to being an literal demi-god from legend. Also you absord words of power at anypoint just be being near them so I don't understand what you mean by "don't play those quests"...

Install everything from the first part of this:
+Intelligent Textures.
ONLY use OpenMW if you're willing to play with vanilla view distance, distant land option in OpenMW is trash.

imagine believing Oblivion's generic Tolkien theme park with circus NPCs is a more believable world than Skyrim.
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion

yeah thats why
Daggerfall> morrowind > oblivion> skyrim
is the correct order of quality

I would also consider world improvements that make it a bit less static.

Maybe MCA.

morrowind is too ez to break.

also i like assassinating ppl in skyrim. DESU oblivion had the best assassin subquests tho.

vanilla morrowind doesn't even have working stealth you fucking idiot.

Morrowind doesn't need distant land, the world was designed with silent hill fog and if you remove it you're playing it wrong.

Obtaining daedric armor in ES games
Each of the 9 pieces + 3 unique helms are hand placed in some of the most dangerous or difficult to reach places in the world, requiring you to just about complete the entire game and both expansions to find each piece.
There's only 4 pieces now. Grind until you're a high level and now bad guys wear it.
Still just 4 pieces. Craft hundreds of iron daggers until you can make daedric armor.

>But you're still a weak nobody who can get one shotted by a mud crab.

wanting rpgs like this is absolutely retarded and destroys roleplaying.

morrowind is fine with distant land

Just started Enderal, is it shit?

thats why autismos love morrowind so much, they can "rp" as different characters but all of them will have the same alchemy and magic shit to become an unkillable god in 10 minutes of getting off the boat

>Base Morrowind is immensely good
top kek, stopped reading here

Character progression is one of the best parts of RPGs, faglord.

>this tired trope
This is such a ill thoughtout statement that gets parroted round.

Oblivion had poor character design. That's it. The actual world was much more thoughtful. The whacky interactions happen because they actually interact. Vanilla Skyrim barely has any interaction at all. NPC's have a single dialouge line for certain others and thats it.

Also Oblivions cities are built around the idea of being somewhat livable. The Imperial city and Skingrad had mulitiple inns and shops ect. Skyrim cities and world are built soley to be gameplay hubs and are not natural, ie; one inn, one shop per type ect. Nothing like talking with NPCs in a low key book store you might never have come across if you just followed quest markers.

MGE distant land looks great, it can be customized so there's still fog, but it's distance is much farther.
>the world was designed with silent hill fog
Don't give me that bullshit, it had it because PC at the time could barely handle the game as it is.

>be the absolute master of the sword, the greatest sword fighter in the entire province of morrowind
>pick up a dagger and can't even hit mud crab thats standing still

No, but Nehrim's the best out of the SureAI three.

This but only because vanilla Oblivion has retarded level scaling, with mods it climbs up to the first place.

lol wut...Did you even play bro

The game looks better with distant land, this is non-debatable, don't compare the game with silent hill, thats a horror game, this is an open world adventure game where you need to see what you can explore.
It was a design limitation, not an intention, big difference.

>azura tells the player that they are the chosen one
yeah but if you think that's all there is to it then you're missing a huge part of what made morrowind so great. morrowind gets super philosophical with its themes of prophecy and fate. you're not the first person to claim to be the nerevar incarnate, many came before you but failed to fulfill the prophecies. were you really the "chosen one" or were you just the first person to succeed? it isn't really clear and the game constantly plays on this theme making it extremely unclear as to whether you're actually the reincarnation of some ancient hero guided by fate or if you're simply some dude who earned the title by completing the tasks set out for them.

>"Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event."

it is impossible to get one-shotted by a mudcrab even if you intentionally make your character as shitty as possible and turn up the difficulty as much as you can. most characters can just cast firebite and kill a mudcrab in a second or two.

Thanks, toot toot

Also to mention again as well, it's a dream. If you had no prior game context it's a meaningless opener.

Skyrim's Dragonborn is basically shoved down your throat.

there is a difference between rpg character progression and roleplaying as an adult orc who are all trained for combat from birth and then dying to a fucking crab.

Install MGE XE and a good texture pack. For NPC faces I recommend MacKom's redone series.

Attached: 43234-1-1407855592.jpg (1200x672, 394.58K)

Sounds like that's what they're doing for ESVI

How are you dying to a crab...

An Orc with a fighter build will stomp a mudcrab day 1 in Morro.

>MacKom's redone

Attached: 35436537.png (512x256, 201.3K)

again, you cannot die to a mudcrab and whoever said you could get "one-shotted" by one is a fucking idiot. no matter how shitty you make your character you can kill a mudcrab in a few seconds tops.

I disagree, for me it's
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion

he is talking about how retarded it is to be a master longswordsman meaning having 100 in that skill. then picking up a dagger and maybe only having 20 in that skill and act like the player doesn't even know which end is the pointy one.

there should be more skills but merging combat skills into one handed and two handed was the right choice.

I always opt for distant land without completely removing the fog. It looks best like this.

Attached: NPR8qCF.jpg (1920x1080, 304.86K)

So you're not actually the Nerevarine?

>the land is the same thus it's Daggerfall Remastered
We're getting a shitty NuBethes-tier action game and you know this.

The slow ass walking speed and the fog makes the map seem bigger than it actually is, Morrowind is actually quite small but those limitations make the world feel bigger.
If you play without fog you can see Vivec city from Ebonheart and it just ruins the illusion.

Yep. I made a point to 100% all of em.

Attached: omhom.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

I second this. The world looks far too small without the fog.

>morrowind is fine with distant land

correct, just limit it to 3-4 cells

Thats actually a nice balance, I see why you use it, but I'd still want to see further, seeing red mountain from vivec is the dream

I like the vanilla faces because they're so memeable but these are the only good modded faces.